Meeting the Royals

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"Tree don't you think Oscar de la Renta was little bit too much?" The singer asked cladded in one of her favorite fancy dresses. It was a royal blue silk dress that really accentuated her legs.

"When you are meeting royalty, there's no such thing as overdressed."

"This is not real royalty!"

"She can arrest you and claim your head without giving explanation to anyone."

"Now you tell me this? I'm so getting arrested after tonight! Let's hope Orange is the New Black gave me some inside knowledge."

"Don't be dramatic."

"Do you really see who are you telling this to? The girl who writes songs about Romeo and Juliet, and more break up songs than Adele?"

"Ok. I get your point. That is why we are arriving early. So you can get yourself better acquainted with the ambient and maybe even have fun."

"Fun? I'll be trying not to get arrested in there."


"Wow" Taylor could not believe her eyes, growing into the night sky was the most unique building she had ever seen. It seemed to be made of black glass but what really impressed was the design of the glass. It was not you regular flat glass building, it looked like a rough diamond. Full of edges and protruding shapes of glass. It was in a way perfectly chaotic.

"That was my first reaction to the Kloss Tower too."

"Well those vampires really know their architecture."

"Are you saying something nice about 'the evil bloodsuckers'?" Tree teased.

"No, I mean they were probably there when architecture was invented." Taylor poorly tried to hide her admiration. "So how are we getting in anyway? It's not like I could just stand in the line over there. Which is huge by the way."

"The manager will meet us in the underground garage and give you the VIP treatment."

Taylor could not stop fidgeting as she watched Sam drive them to the garage. She was afraid of this Queen, what if the old lady decided she was not good enough for NY and kicked her out? Worse what if she somehow manages to offend the lady and get arrested?

She was stopped from conjuring apocalyptic scenarios when she heard Tree clearing her throat for her to get out of the car. There was an extremely handsome men waiting for them at the doors.

"Hello Miss Swift, Miss Paine. My name is Sean O'Pry, the manager of Klossy. Her Majesty instructed me to escort you tonight. If please follow me we will get to the table the Queen selected for you."

They followed Sean though a hallway made exclusively of led screens all of them glowing with bursts of purple light and eventually at the Klossy logo. That made the singer wonder where the hell this Queen held court. Damn Tree and keeping her in the dark about all of this. She would definitely made Tree call her mother and inform where her daughter was tonight. That will serve her right.

The singer could not believe her eyes; the hallway led them to a club. A huge club at that! The ceiling was probably five stories high, the club had the layout of an old theater. A stage to one side and a bar to the other, in between them was the biggest dance floor Taylor had ever laid eyes on. All of the walls were coated with some form of brazen. She could see balconies lining the walls perpendicularly to the stage. Above it stood a balcony decorated in gold and purple and flag proudly exhibiting the brazen hanging from it. Probably the old lady's lair Taylor assumed.

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