First Date

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Taylor was unusually quiet since they left the studio. They've on the road for ten minutes and the singer had yet to utter a word. Karlie sighed; she knew how apprehensive the girl was to do the interview. She couldn't even imagine what kind of disaster Taylor's imagination had made up in ten minutes. Karlie had definitely given her enough alone space to take this all in.


"Hum?" The singer asked distractedly with heard leaning on the tinted window of their limo.

"Tay, come on. What fresh apocalypse did you conjure in that beautiful mind of yours?"

"What? I didn't...I just..."

"Bond. Don't even try to lie; you are so worried that I have to consciously remind myself that those are not my emotions."

"Ok, I just don't see how people will react well to this. I mean, best-case scenario I lied to everyone for about four years. They will call me a lying snake! I don't know why don't just make a snake emoji with my face on it."

"If that's the case then you know what you are going to be for Halloween."


"What? You would look so hot in a skintight green dress. I'll even let you bite me."

"Stop!" Taylor said fighting a smile.

"Wow, you are wavering your biting privileges?" Karlie pouted.

"Oh my god! Don't do that! It looks weird on your face."

Karlie pouted and turned her now green eyes at Taylor.

"No. It's not working; you're not cute at all." The singer said shaking her head. "You're a Queen stop giving me puppy eyes!"

Karlie arched one eyebrow in response.

"Fuck, stop that or I'll make you!"

"Is that a treat?" The Queen answered sweetly.

Taylor huffed and straddled Karlie; with her lips ghosting the other girl's she whispered. "Will you stop now?"

"Make me."

Taylor had fused their mouths together in a passionate kiss. When she felt Karlie relax into the kiss she pulled back and bit hard on her bottom lip, licking the blood afterwards.

"Oh no you did not!"

In less than a second Karlie had Taylor pinned under her. Her mouth worked on licking and suckling the singer's neck, her hands caressing Taylor's tights under her skirt. She descend her kisses to her fiancé exposed collarbone and bit, relishing in her rich taste.

Taylor was a panting mess; she knew she didn't actually need the oxygen, but damn. All she could think about were Karlie's forceful sucks and those hands. "Fuck." She could not contain her moan as those hands deftly kneaded her ass. She pulled on Karlie's hair and brought their mouths together; the taste of her own blood mixed with Karlie was heady.

Taylor was in her own bubble of bliss being thoroughly kissed and groped by the goddess above her. That's why she almost had a heart attack when she heard the driver talking trough the partition.

"We arrived Your Majesty."

"Thank you Slatan." Karlie said untangling herself from Taylor and fixing up her hair.

Taylor looked at her incredulously, for all she knew she was about to be ravaged on the back of a limo. Not that this was a fantasy of hers, but the Queen was retouching her lipstick as if it hadn't been smeared all over Taylor's neck.

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