The Bond

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"Karlie please calm down, you are scaring me!"

"How can I calm down when I have high chances of being cursed? I cannot believe it! Nine years, nine years and I would've been free!"

"That's not calming down. Why am I here?"

"Are you deaf? There is high chance that you are my mate. Look at the mirror and tell me what you think of your new eye color."

"What?" Taylor has never been so confused in her life, but she did what was told, and found a mirror on other side of the room. "My eyes are purple, MY EYES ARE PURPLE! PURPLE! DO I HAVE FANGS? AM I A VAMPIRE NOW? DID YOU DRUG ME? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?"

"Now who's the one panicking?" Karlie said raising her eyebrow. "I didn't do anything to you, it was your damn blood! I should never have touched it. Now you have the marks, and god forbid you are my real mate."

"WHAT THE HELL IS A MATE? And do you really believe in god?"

"First of all no, god is a myth. I use it as figure of speech..."

"Said the vampire."

"Shut up. A mate is something quite rare nowadays. The last vampire in my family to have on was my great-grandfather in 67 b.c. .There is a vampire legend that when we were created our soul was split in two sides one of darkness and another of light, so technically every being only have half of his soul.

"Like a soulmate?"

"NO! Those are ridiculous human concepts. There is no other soul equal to yours; there is the other half though. So when vampires mate their soul becomes complete, and one in the processes. Linking them in ways I have no idea. However, the main concept here is if one mate is hurt or die the other feels it or dies too. So you can imagine how thrilled I am to be linked to fragile little human with a life span of my puberty."

"Hey! I really think I should be offended!"

"Taylor it's nothing against you as person, as I told you before you amuse. But if you are my mate putting in human terms 'you are my Achilles' heel'. And believe me if knowledge of this comes out, half of the world's vampires and a lot of human governments will try to kill you, thus killing me."

"I don't like this mate thing either, first there is too much killing involved, second how I am going to explain purple eyes to the media? And this tattoo, my mother will skin me alive."

"Told you it was a curse."

"So what do we do now?"

"We wait." Karlie said with tears already pooling in her eyes.

"Karlie, please don't cry. It can't be this bad." Taylor said trying to rub the other girls arm in a comforting manner.

"Don't touch me! It might make it worse!" Karlie said speneding to other side of the room.

Taylor have never felt so helpless. Destiny was supposed to be a good thing, right? But this whole becoming one soul felt too extreme even to a hopeless romantic like herself. To top it all, the calm and collected Queen she met hours ago was cornered against the wall rocking back and forth, with her arms wrapped around herself protectively murmuring 'No, no, no, no'.

For the first time Karlie really appeared her human age, maybe ignorance was indeed a bless. But the singer certainly felt more collected right now. It was not something she could explain or even understand but deep down she had never felt something so pure. But then again it may be the vampire venom injected in her.

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