The morning after

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Taylor woke up with a body draped across hers, legs tangled and a protective arm around her middle. She could hear the sounds of a waterfall and the light swooshing of leaves. To say she was afraid to open her eyes was a putting it lightly. Where the hell was she? She tried to recall the events of the previous day but her mind was still a bit dizzy.

"I can hear you thinking, go back to sleep."

It was now or never Taylor had to face her surroundings and well, her bedmate. She opened her eyes and was met with blond girl resting peacefully on her clavicle. The sun light hitting the blonde's hair gave her a golden halo.

"I can feel you staring." Karlie said opening her eyes and looking into Taylor's. She had been awaken for quite some time now; she could tell the sun was already setting. They had slept, well Taylor had, a great deal of the day. The Queen was counting the minutes until the singer freaked out; she was taking everything a little too well. It was probably all nyx in her system making her calm, but effects would wear off.

"Hey." Taylor said with an easy smile, greeting those green eyes she had become so fond of. Wait what?

"Good afternoon." Karlie said smiling back. She couldn't help herself, this human was absolutely adorable when it awakes. But as she was predicting the tables turned, Taylor's blue eyes almost bogged out of her head and her mouth was agape. Yep, she remembered it now.

"You!!!Oh my god! This is not happening; this is just a weird dream Taylor. Wake up!"

"Well, it's not happening. It happened."

"OHMYGODOHMYGOD!" Taylor removed herself from Karlie and wrapped herself in the sheets trying to get as far from the vampire as she could on the bed.

"Calm down, Taylor. It's all good now." Karlie tried to calm the hyperventilating girl rubbing her arm.

"DON'T touch me!" Taylor said as if she had been burned.

"I'm going to hell for this! I cannot believe I had sex with an evil blood sucker!!! OHMYGOD MY MOTHER IS GOING TO KILL ME! WAIT! SOMEBODY TRIED TO KILL ME! I drank blood, I'm going to be sick!!There's already a lava pit in hell with my name on it! Oh fuck! And there was a witch! And the mate thingy! MY EYES! THEY ARE PURPLE!!!!!! How am I ever going to appear on public again! YOU BIT ME! Multiple times. OH FUCK! I BIT YOU! Am I a creature like you now? This is too much, just kill me now god! But then you would die too. Can I be in a really long coma? OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD...."

There it was Taylor had finally cracked. As much as Karlie wanted to deny it hurt being called an 'evil blood sucker' and a 'creature'. After everything they went through last night, she thought Taylor knew better than that. Maybe it was expecting too much from a human; but she knew Taylor had felt last night. That crazy bond thing made her sure of that; what they did went way beyond really great sex. She had to compose herself, she was a Queen after all. She would have to deal with this mess.

"Taylor breath!" Karlie said in her most regal voice. "I know this situation is complicated at best, but I will find a suitable solution...

The change in Karlie's voice got Taylor's attention; what she was saying however fell into deaf ears. Gone was the green in her eyes that now shone a strong purple, her posture was rigid and her voice eerily calm. Taylor wanted the green back! Stupid purple!


"Excuse me?"

"Get them back to green!"


"Your eyes! I like when they are green, it's comforting."

"Taylor I don't think now is the time to discuss such trivial matters."

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