Angie & Peggy

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After a short pause Peggy replied. "I enjoy your company, perhaps we could get to know each other better." Peggy smiled as she looked at Agent Sousa. Daniel smiled back, he loved the way her eyes lit up when she smiled. He was satisfied with her answer and they continued walking. Nobody said a word until Peggy said that she needed to turn so she could walk to the diner and see Angie as they had planned. "Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow then!" Sousa shouted, Peggy had already started walking in the other direction. "See you tomorrow!" Peggy looked back and waived, then walked off. She was in a hurry to talk to her pal Angie.

At the diner...
Peggy walked in, saw Angie taking an order, and sat where she normally sat, at the bar. As soon as Angie was done she walked over and sat next to Peggy, her shift was almost over. "Would you like some pie?" Angie asked, "it's really good...". "No thanks, I wanted to talk to you, but your busy. I'll just wait until your shift is over" Peggy said content. "Well okay", Angie looked over at the clock, "I'll be done in ten minutes!".

Angie finished her shift and walked home with Peggy. "So... What did you want to talk about?", Angie felt like Peggy wasn't acting like herself. "Oh, well it's kind of about work... Well, somebody at work." Peggy said she was nervous she didn't like talking about herself. "Oh yeah! At the phone company? Is it a guy? You've been acting kind of weird lately. What is it?" Angie was excited that Peggy was finally talking about herself for a change. "Yeah, well there's a guy I work with, his name is Daniel. As you know we went out for drinks, and he wants to be more than friends. Don't get me wrong, I like him it's just.." Peggy trailed off trying to gather her thoughts. " If he likes you and you like him what's the problem?" Angie asked confused. "Well..." Peggy couldn't tell her about Captain America, she was a secret agent, what could she say? " I was in a relationship that ended in heartbreak, and I don't know if I'm ready to move on from that." Peggy thought about what she just said, she sounded pathetic. And she hoped Angie wouldn't press her for details. "Well," Angie had to take a moment to think about what to say. " You have to move on eventually... Why not now?" Peggy thought about this "perhaps your right, I just don't want things to be weird at work... He's the only guy who respects me, what if that changes?". Angie replied " if he doesn't respect you that's his fault, and he doesn't deserve you." Angie stopped and looked Peggy in the eyes as she said that. " You always know exactly what to say to make me feel better." Peggy smiled and hugged Angie.

Agent Carter & Daniel Sousa Where stories live. Discover now