The Mission Part 2

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"Bang!" When Peggy heard the gunshot she immediately thought that Daniel got shot, but he was on the other side of the building, right? That was the side they had most of the agents so surely nobody had gotten shot in that group. Maybe they found a HYDRA agent. Still, she couldn't shake off the awful feeling in her stomach. She grabbed her radio and pushed the button to talk.

"Hello? This is Agent Carter, I heard a gunshot. Is anyone hurt? What is your status?"

"Everyone in my group is fine. I haven't heard or seen anything." Thompson answered.

"Okay. Daniel?" There was a pause. Worry was still plastered on her face.

"Yes? We've reached the center of the building and Agent Johnson just took out a HYDRA agent." He paused for a moment, "everyone is fine."

Peggy let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Daniel was safe, that's all that mattered. They continued moving through the building and they didn't see one HYDRA agent. They did find a few classified files that looked like they belonged to the military. It was odd, they knew that HYDRA was there. They found, well shot one agent. Where were they hiding? Or did they run off?

They thought that they would have defeated HYDRA when Captain America defeated Red Skull, but evidently they were wrong. What's the saying again? "Cut off one head, two more shall take it's place?" Although HYDRA could be considered a threat, they hadn't increased in size. So two heads didn't take the place of the one they had cut off.

Peggy and her group continued through the building. She paused for a moment when she saw something reflect the light in the corner. It was a gun. More specifically a HYDRA Agent holding a gun, his finger almost on the trigger when Peggy grabbed her gun and yelled at the others to do the same.

"Look out!" She screamed and shot the man before he could shoot her or anyone else. Everyone watched as the man fell to the ground. Now they were startled. Peggy was the only person who saw the man in the HYDRA uniform, he was hidden well. He easily could have killed them if Peggy wasn't there to stop him. After searching the man they continued on.

They finally reached the center of the building. Thompson, Daniel, and Peggy all met up, eyes still wandering around the room looking for any HYDRA agents they might have missed.

"I found this." Daniel said as he held out the file he had in his hand.

Thompson quickly grabbed it and flipped through it to find out what was inside. It looked like HYDRA did have some of the blue prints they had suspected were taken.

"Well, this is bad." Thompson paused as he shifted his gaze to Peggy and Sousa. "All we can do is hope that they haven't made any of these weapons yet. And stop them from making any more." They continued sharing what they found and decided to go through the other side of the building that nobody had been in yet. They went as one group through the hallway. Daniel met up with Peggy at the front, they were leading the group. Peggy was surprised that Thompson stayed at the back of the group. She supposed that it was best so he could keep an eye on everybody.

They were all crouched down slowly tiptoeing, looking for any signs of HYDRA or anyone for that matter. That's when they reached another hallway. Peggy motioned everyone to stop, and stuck her head over the corner to check if it was safe.

"Looks good," she whispered and they continued. She could hear the shuffling of feet even though everyone was being quiet. All of the SSR Agents were quiet. Peggy stopped in her tracks as she saw that Daniel had a look on his face that suggested that he was confused by the noise too. Then she saw what was making the noise well, who was making the noise. The agents grabbed their guns after the first shot went off. The HYDRA Agent had fired his gun. Daniel shoved Peggy out of the way, and they both fell to the ground. Thompson quickly fired at the HYDRA Agent before he could shoot anyone else. Peggy wasn't hurt and quickly got back on he feet, but Daniel was bleeding.

Peggy looked down at Daniel worried about the blood she saw coming from the tear in his sleeve. Her mouth hung open just as she was about to ask if he was alright but Daniel spoke before she could get a word out. "I'm fine. Don't worry the bullet just grazed my arm. We need to focus on getting out of here." Peggy closed her mouth relieved. She quickly helped him up and inspected his arm. He was right. He had only been grazed by the bullet and it would only take a few days to heal. They needed to get out before they lost an Agent.

"Carter!" Thompson yelled and she looked over at him. "We need to get out of here. Get your group and go ahead, I will not be responsible for a woman dying in action." She rolled her eyes at him and went ahead with her group. They grabbed any files that they saw and took HYDRA as prisoners, unless they had tried killing an SSR Agent, then they shot them, or killed them. They needed information from them, and tried their best to just shoot them below the knee to stop them from hurting an agent.

Peggy looked at her map and found the exit. She allowed all of the men to go out before her. She wanted to wait for Sousa and Thompson. Soon Sousa and his group with the Agents they had captured were out the door, and Thompson was quickly to follow.

"Carter, I told you to get out of here!" Peggy's gaze drifted behind Thompson to a man with a gun trained on Thompson. She quickly raised the gun she had in her hand and fired. The man fell to the floor dead, and didn't even see her. She looked at Thompson who had a look of shock on his face. His eyes were wide. He had realized that Peggy just saved him.

"T-Thank you," he managed to get out. Still shocked, he ran out of the building with Peggy. The icy cold shocked them as they went out into the snow. They all went onto the plane and sat in silence as the plane took off. Jack was still shocked that he almost got killed. He would have been killed if Peggy listened to him. He didn't want to admit that she saved him, so he continued to sit in silence as the other agents rejoiced that nobody had been seriously injured or killed. They had defeated the last known HYDRA base and they acquired some pretty valuable information.

Peggy sat across from Thompson and next to Daniel not daring to speak a word. She was exhausted and Daniel could tell. She ended up falling asleep with her head resting on his shoulder, wrapped up in his arms.

A/N: Hello! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry it took a while for me to update. Happy New Years Eve! I hope that this year will be better. Thank you for reading, commenting, voting, and sharing! I love you guys! -H <3

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