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The next day...

They arrived back in New York City. Peggy was still asleep.

"Hey, Peg. Wake up," Daniel whispered. He took a moment to notice how peaceful she looked when she slept.

"One more.. minute," she squirmed around. Daniel wished that he could let her sleep. She looked so beautiful when she slept. Even though her hair was a mess she was still beautiful.

"Peggy we're here, you need to wake up."

"Fine," she groaned then realized that she was laying on top of him and got up. Her eyes squinted at the open hatch of the plane where the sunlight was coming in.

"Good morning! Did I make a good pillow?" He smiled at her.

"No, you did not." She smiled at him as she massaged the crick in her neck.

"Well, I'm sorry. You made a nice teddy bear." She punched him in the arm playfully and laughed. Then she took a look at his other arm, the one that the bullet grazed. She didn't punch that arm (thank God). She wasn't worried about it. It should heal just fine.

It had been a few days after the mission and everything seemed back to normal at the SSR. Everyone was working on new cases and it seemed that Peggy had proved herself a little to Thompson. She did save him, but he wasn't going to tell anyone. He had given her a better case then usual.

"Hey Peggy. Do you want to go out tonight?" Daniel asked.

"Sure!" She replied excitedly. She had been wanting to take a break from work for a while now.

"Okay. We could go to dinner," he suggested.

"That sounds lovely," she smiled at him.

Daniel said that he would pick her up at eight o'clock and he got there right at eight. They had been dating for a while but he was still amazed at how beautiful she was.

"You look beautiful." Sousa's jaw was practically on the floor. He was drooling over her.

"Thank you," She smiled. "Now close your mouth before a fly goes in it."

A soft blush appeared on Daniel's face as he closed his mouth.


They went to a nice Italian restaurant. Peggy never understood why Italian food was such a big deal. It was good but they didn't talk much about it back in England.

After their meal Daniel was walking Peggy home. She didn't need him to come with her, but she liked his company. Daniel reached down and held Peggy's hand.

Peggy finally spoke, "I've been thinking quite a lot about the last mission. And how you got shot. I don't want you to get hurt or.. Killed. I know that our jobs require us to sacrifice our safety. I just... " Peggy realized that she was looking at the ground and moved her gaze to Daniel. "I want you to know that, I love you."

Daniel gave her a kiss full of passion and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I love you, Peggy." He whispered and smiled looking into her eyes. Peggy looked down at his soft lips for a brief second then put her hands on the sides of his face and kissed him.


A/N: She finally said it! I'm sorry that this chapter is short. I wanted to write something with fluff, so this is my attempt. Thank you for reading! I'm not sure when the next update will be. It all depends on school. (School sucks XP). Thank you for commenting and voting it means a lot! :) ❤️ -H

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