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Peggy woke up tired and groggy on Saturday morning. She had been crying the night before when Angie was over, even though it had been a week since their conversation about Steve, and now she was reflecting on it. Why am I like this? I'm Agent Margaret Carter I do not cry! Especially in front of everybody! Get up and pull yourself together Agent!! Her little motivational speech actually worked and she jumped out of bed even though she was still tired. Then she got ready for the day listing everything she needed to do in her head; take a shower, get dressed, make some coffee, eat something, do your hair and makeup, and... What was after that?.. Oh! Go see Daniel! It was Peggy's turn to find out where to go on their date and she still had no idea. Then it hit her, a smile crept up along her face knowing that Daniel would enjoy it. He did originally suggest it. Peggy got ready, made sure to put on a lovely dress and some comfortable shoes, then walked out the door.

At Daniel's...
Peggy finally arrived at Daniel's apartment and knocked on the door. "Hi Peggy!" Daniel's eyes lit up the moment he saw her. She was so beautiful, she always was, but tonight she had a beautiful red dress on and her signature red lips which always made Daniel smile. "Hello!" Peggy smiled at him. "I figured out what we're going to do!" Peggy sounded very excited it must be something really fun. "Well what is it?" Daniel asked curious, wondering what could make her so happy. "Well.. It's a surprise, but I know you're going to love it," Peggy replies with a small smile still on her face. "Okay, that's all I need to know," Daniel chuckled. Then asked ,"do I need to bring anything?" "No, just wear some comfortable shoes," Peggy replied then they walked out to the street to hail a cab.
They pulled up next to their destination, The Stork Club. Peggy smiled when she saw it she hadn't gone dancing since before the war. Any thought about Steve left. Daniel limped out of the car with his crutch and helped Peggy out, thanking the cab driver as he did so. As they were nearing the entrance Daniel stopped and stared at Peggy. "What?" Peggy asked concerned. Why was he looking at her like that? "Oh, nothing your just so beautiful," Daniel said with a smile and Peggy blushed. "You're not to bad your self," Peggy and Daniel laughed at that.
They walked inside and were immediately greeted by the loud noise of the band and all of the couples talking to each other while they were dancing. They could also smell alcohol and cigarettes, after all it was also a bar. "Do you want to get a drink?" Peggy asked Daniel. He nodded and walked over to the bar. After they drank Daniel asked, "would you like to dance?" "Of course!" Peggy smiled as Daniel grabbed her hand and walked her to the dance floor. Peggy was surprised how well he could dance with his war injuries. He wasn't the most graceful, he couldn't put to much weight on his leg, but he didn't need his crutch. Daniel was still surprised that Peggy wanted to go dancing. After what she said last time he never thought that they would go dancing.
He knew that it was hard for her without Steve. One day he was there the next, he wasn't. She got to speak to him before he went down in the water, but she never said goodbye. She said that she would see him later. On top of that they haven't found him anywhere. How could she get closure if she didn't even know for sure that he was dead? "Daniel?" Peggy noticed that he was thinking about something he was looking over her shoulder. "Oh, sorry," Daniel said. He had a soft blush on his cheeks he didn't realize that he had completely zoned out. "It's okay," Peggy said laughing she could tell that he was embarrassed. Daniel looked at the clock, "oh my! It's 10:30." Peggy looked up confused it had just been 7:30. The club closed in 30 minutes. They continued to sway in each other's arms for five minutes then left.
They stepped out of the cab and Daniel walked Peggy home. "That was fun," Peggy said as they neared her apartment. "Yes, I enjoyed it we should do that again sometime." Peggy nodded in agreement. When they reached her door Peggy turned to face Daniel, looked down at his lips and kissed him. Daniel was shocked it seemed so out of the blue. Peggy pulled away, she was blushing. Then she smiled and said ," goodnight! I'll see you on Monday." She turned back to look at him one more time then Daniel pulled her into another kiss and smiled. "I've wanted to do that ever since I laid my eyes on you." He was happy. " I'll see you on Monday," he smiled then let her go after she gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Finally some Peggysous!!! It feels so weird writing this lol. I can't wait until Agent Carter season 2! In the meantime I've been reading a lot of Agent Carter fanfics & watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. But I don't like Aos as much as I used to it's just kind of weird how sometimes we won't see all of the characters in an episode & it makes me miss them. I probably won't update this for a little while, but I've been enjoying writing it. :) Thank you for voting & commenting!
QOTD: who is your favorite character in the MCU?
AOTD: Mine is Peggy Carter of course! Captain America is a close second. :D

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