Chapter 8

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Peggy closed the door to her apartment then sat down against it. She couldn't believe she had done that. Kissed him. Peggy couldn't wait to tell Angie, but she knew that Angie would make a big deal out of it. She was her best friend that's what friends do, they get excited for each other. Peggy decided to get up, and get ready for bed. She took off her makeup, and changed then fell right asleep as soon as she hopped into bed.

The next day...
Peggy woke when she heard a knock at the door. Startled she rushed to get her robe on and paused before opening the door wondering who it was. "Hey Peg, it's Angie open the door it's cold outside." "Oh, okay one second," Peggy said as she hurried to unlock the door. "What time is it?" Peggy asked Angie as she looked at the clock. "Eleven?.. Really? I just woke up" Peggy told Angie before she could answer.
"Well, you must of had a rough night," Angie said to Peg as she sat down. "No, I guess it was the dancing. Daniel and I danced for about three hours at the a Stork Club." " oh wow," Angie replied. She didn't think it was possible to dance for three hours at least she couldn't do it, not after a full shift at the diner.

"So, are you two getting along alright?" Angie was still curious about Daniel "if he hurts you so help me I'll-" Peggy cut her off "he won't hurt me!" Peggy started to laugh at the concern Angie had for her. She appreciated it, but sometimes it was a little too much. Angie looked relieved. "Okay tell me about your date then." "Well, we went dancing and.." "And... What?" Angie wanted her to tell her every detail.
"And... I kissed him, then he kissed me" Peggy blushed. Angie's eyes widened and her mouth dropped. "What?" Peggy asked "don't look at me like that!" Peggy face turned even more red, she could feel it. "It's just... I'm surprised that's all," Angie was so happy she could barely understand what she was saying. "I have to meet him now!" "You will.... Eventually," Peggy smiled knowing that Angie was not going to be patient any longer.

"Ugh," Angie was trying to show Peggy how frustrated she was. "Do you love him?" Angie asked, Peggy froze, she was not expecting that. "What?" "Do you love him?" "Umm..." Peggy could feel her face turning red again. "Come on! I can tell by the way you talk about him!" "Then why ask?" "Because I want to hear you say it, so do you love him?" Angie was not going to let Peggy change the subject. "YES!" Angie smiled at Peggy.
"You haven't told him have you?" Angie asked. " no," Peggy said as she looked down at the floor ashamed. "Tell him!" "Okay, I will when I'm ready!" Peggy just didn't want to talk about it anymore. Peggy was uncomfortable talking about her feelings. "Ok," Angie gave her friend a small smile and hug then headed out the door. "I'll see you soon Peg!" Peggy closed the door still shocked by the conversation they just had. She had never opened up to anyone like that. She was shocked by what she had told Angie, what she could get out of her. She loved Daniel and judging by his reaction to their kiss he loved her too.

A/N: ooooooh look at what Peggy just realized! XD I really enjoy writing scenes w/ Angie and Peggy just hanging out & being friends! Happy thanksgiving to all of y'all that celebrate thanksgiving. I do! & I'm thankful for all of you guys that read this, and comment, and vote. It really means a lot I know that I keep saying that, but I want y'all to know that I mean it, so thank you! :) I've been thinking about starting a different story or something so follow me to be updated on that! (I might start writing right now I don't know) bye! See you soon! ❤ (️ & did you see the Civil War trailer? It's awesome I can't wait! I hope cap doesn't die, but he does in the comics & I think Chris Evans only has 1 more movie on his contract. I don't want anyone else to be cap! And the line, "but he's my friend.. So was I." Aaaahhh the feels! I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for this movie. Okay. Bye!)

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