The Mission

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It was 5:00 am when Peggy arrived in the meeting room before her mission. She actually didn't have to be there until 5:30, but she was always early. Thompson wasn't even there yet. She noticed Daniel waving to her at the other end of the room and excitedly met him.

"I thought you would never notice," Daniel laughed. "It took you a while for you to notice me at work." He gave her an awkward smile.

"I've always noticed you, I just don't decide to show it all the time." She laughed.

"Basically ignore me?"

"No. Oh gosh! It does sound that way doesn't it? Sorry." Peggy just realized that she kind of did avoid him when they first met.

"It's fine," he said in a soft tone and smiled.

They both paused for a moment and looked at each other. Sousa was staring at Peggy's beautiful brown eyes, just about to tell her how lovely they were when Thompson walked in.

"Awww, look at you two love birds!" Thompson shouted from across the room.

Everyone's eyes looked towards Daniel and Peggy as they snapped their heads away from each other. Daniel had an obvious blush on his cheeks while Peggy stayed perfectly calm. Although Peggy was caught off guard she was very good at keeping a poker face.

"Okay, now that I've got your attention I will explain what's going on. You will all change into your uniforms for the mission, you know the drill. Then grab your things. We will be leaving at 6:00 am. Now go!" Thompson was putting on his tough guy act, and sounded very stern causing all of the agents to run away immediately.

"Oh, and Carter I need to speak with you." Peggy glanced over at Sousa who continued waking so he could get ready, then walked to Thompson.

"I've noticed that you've taken quit a liking to Agent Sousa. Are you two involved? I hope that this won't be a problem." Peggy was shocked, she didn't tell anyone about Daniel, and they had been going out for months. What happened? How did he find out? And the fact that he thought it would be a problem insulted Peggy. Of course he would't talk to Daniel about it, it wouldn't be a problem for Daniel, because a woman is easily distracted by a man. She thought that this whole conversation was ridiculous. It was none of his business anyways.

"No, it won't be a problem," Peggy scoffed. She angrily turned away from him and stormed off.

"I hate that man," she whispered under her breath and began to prepare for the mission.


All of the agents were ready and getting into the plane. There were twenty SSR agents not including Agent Carter, Sousa, or Thompson. Peggy hopped in after Daniel and made sure to sit away from him to avoid Thompson's glare. Daniel was kind of sad, he wanted to sit next to Peg, but once he noticed Thompson get on he decided to stay put.


They arrived in Russia. Peggy briefed all of the agents, and soon they all got off of the plane ready to defeat HYDRA. Daniel met up with Peggy and Thompson. They began talking, and listening to the snow crunch under their feet, as they led their group to the HYDRA base they were stealing information from. At this particular base they were making weapons from stolen blueprints, and they supposedly had classified information from the U.S. Military. When they arrived outside of the base they began to devise how they were going into the building, how they would get out, and what they would do if they encountered any trouble.

"Okay Carter you will be positioned with a group of eight agents here," Thompson said and pointed to a spot on the map they had laying in front of them.

"Eight? I'm not going with eight. This side is secure enough for five. This side needs more, we don't know what's on that side." She explained while also pointing to the map.

She was right, and Thompson knew it. Oh, how he hated being corrected and challenged. Especially by a woman.

"Fine. We'll position five agents here," he points at the map. "Nine here, and six here," he points at the far end of the facility shown on the map. "Are we clear? We can't afford to loose any agents. Take prisoners and shoot to kill if needed."

Peggy and Daniel both nodded and headed to their positions.

Daniel stopped Peggy and looked at her, " be careful, you hear me? I don't want to loose you Peg." Daniel was serious he couldn't think about loosing her. He wished that he could stay by her side, but he knew that he couldn't. Peggy probably wouldn't allow it anyways.

"Oh, stop it! I don't need you to tell me to be careful," she paused and looked up at him. "I don't want to loose you either." He looked at her surprised. "See you soon!" Peggy speed off. Daniel noticed that every time she says something that she probably hasn't told many people, she runs off. Almost like she is avoiding her emotions.

"Is everybody in their positions?" Thompson whispers over the radio.

"Yes!" Peggy and Daniel say in unison. Peggy couldn't shake off the bad feeling that she had.

"Alright. Let's head in," Thompson replies.

They all slowly enter the building looking around at their surroundings. Peggy was on the West side of the building, Daniel on the East. The plan was for everyone to meet in the middle.

Peggy walked into the first room on the right of the hallway she was walking in. She inspected everything before the other agents walked in.

"All clear," she whispered. They didn't see any HYDRA agents. So far, so good. They didn't find any weapons or Intel either. They continued walking through the building when she heard, "BANG!!" She knew that noise, it was a gunshot. Her breath hitched in her throat and she immediately thought,


Hehe I'm sorry to leave y'all on a cliff hanger. There will be a part two coming soon! I'm currently listening to 40's Christmas music and it's putting me in a good mood. :) Have y'all heard the Agent Carter soundtrack yet? It's really great and I hope that I'll get an iTunes gift card for Christmas so I can get it. Did you here about Angie being in a dream sequence in season 2? I am so happy! (I do ship Cartinelli) I literally can't wait there's so much to be great full for. 🎄Merry Christmas guys! And happy holidays! I hope you all are doing good right now. Thank you for reading, commenting, and voting. You guys are awesome & always put a smile on my face! ❤️

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