3 Months Daniel & Peggy

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Sousa and Carter have been dating for 3 months now. They make sure to go out every Saturday unless they have work. "Hello Peg" Daniel said he stared at Peggy who smiled when she saw him. They had been dating for three months, but it felt more like two weeks. Peggy just wasn't opening up to him and Sousa thought that she didn't trust him. He didn't know how to make her feel comfortable around him other than just being around her.
"Hello" Peggy said and smiled "I can't go out on Saturday it turns out that I have to go undercover". Peggy looked at Sousa frustrated that she couldn't do anything about it. "that's ok I was thinking that we could go dancing on Friday.  Do you like dancing?" Sousa asked, that was a great idea! "Oh, I love dancing!" Peggy replied. "So do you want to go?"
"Ummm..." Peggy remembered Steve and how he promised to dance with her, she told him not to be late, but he was, and they still haven't danced."I would love to, but I can't. It's not you, just a sad memory I.. Just can't I'm sorry." Peggy was nervous she didn't want to talk to him about Steve. Sousa knew exactly what Peggy was talking about he had heard about her and Captain America. "What? It's okay you can tell me." Sousa said wanting Peggy to feel comfortable. "I, I don't want to talk about it." Peggy started to tear up she was mad at herself. She said that she would forget about Steve and move on, but she couldn't. Steve was the first person who completely understood her and she loved him. Worst of all she couldn't even give him a proper burial because they haven't found him.
Sousa saw Peggy starting to cry and hugged her. "I miss him." Peggy said, she was balling. Sousa was shocked Peggy Carter was definitely not the type of person who would cry about anything. "It's okay", Sousa said reassuring Peggy. Peggy thought about how it might hurt Sousa for him to know that she still cared about Steve and quickly composed herself and stepped away from him. "I have to go", Peggy said quietly and sped off before Sousa could say anything.

About a week later at the diner...
"Hello English!" Angie said as she saw Peggy walk through the door. She had gotten into a habit of calling Peggy that. "Oh, hello", Peggy said with a smile. "So when are you going to invite your boyfriend here so I can get to know him better?" Angie asked obviously teasing Peggy and being serious at the same time. "Oh I don't know, you might scare him away." Peggy replied now teasing Angie. "I would not!" Angie said defending herself. "Okay, maybe not, I'll ask him." Peggy replied. Angie then walked away satisfied.

"Hello, Angie, could I talk to you about something?" Peggy asked. "Sure, anything" Angie said and Peggy smiled. Peggy knew that she couldn't say that she dated Captain America that would end in so many questions and Angie would find out about her work with the SSR. Peggy just wanted to keep her safe and to do that she had to keep most of her work life away from Angie. She decided that it would be best to call Steve something else. She decided, John. "I wanted to know if you had any advice on how to get over the death of a loved one." As Peggy said that the smile disappeared from Angie's face. Death was not talked about often,but Peggy just needed to get her thoughts out. "Wow," Angie said shocked by what Peggy said. Angie thought, How did I not know about this? Is it true? Angie was very confused and concerned.

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