Chapter 22

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I woke up and realized I was tangled with Phil. Or was I still asleep? This couldn't be real... Could it? I rubbed my eyes and it was Phil. My Phil. T Which just brought the biggest smile to my face. I held on tighter to him and remembered we're suppose to be getting breakfast with the others. I let go trying to reach for my phone but Phil was holding me tight and close. 



"We have to get up soon, we promised breakfast remember?"

"Oh yeah!" He let go and we got up to get ready and shower. 

By the time we finished getting ready it was 9:00am so I called Rachel to see if she and Haley were ready, Phil called to see if Chris and Pj were ready. We planned to meet up with them in the lobby and go from there.

We got in the lobby and I could still barely keep my eyes open, we sat down on some sofas. 

"I'm tired." I pouted, Phil smiled. His smile was so perfect, it made me smile. 

"Me to." He pouted, mocking me. 

"You're adorable." I said and he started blushing. I couldn't stop smiling now, and neither could he. It was okay, I didn't want to see him not smile. 

The lift opened and we checked to see if it was the girls or Chris or Pj, and it wasn't. It was Olivia. 

Oh fucking great she's seen me now. 

"Dan what's wrong?" He noticed the smile on my face faded. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Wow, I did not miss her voice at all.

"What do  you want?" I rolled my eyes, she's such a follower. 

"Why did you leave me?" She stood there like she didn't want to be standing. 

"Why would I want to be around you?" I looked at me like I murdered someone.

"Excuse me you brought me here!" 

"No, you invited yourself." I got up and Phil stood up too. 

"And who are you?" She snared at Phil. 

"You don't need to know. We're leaving now." I pulled on his arm and left her in the lobby, 

"Who was that?" 

"Olivia the bitch."

"Suits her."

"Of course it does."

I let go of his arm as we seen girls walk by. I really wanted to hold his hand but we can't in public without causing a riot. 

"I'm sorry, Phil." 

"For what?"


"Don't worry about it."

"I have to. It pulled us apart and it was a stupid thing to let go, and when I think of it now, it wasn't even a bad situation we had it was just normal. I took it to far and I ruined everything. Especially our friendship."

He hadn't said anything for the last few minutes and I was getting worried. 


"Oh yeah sorry, I was thinking." That made me extrtemely nervous.

"About what?" I was looking for difference in his facial expression but nothing.

"Oh nothing."


 "How do you know Olivia? And well, who is she? Honestly."

I was expecting this but I didn't have an answer prepared. Now I'm caught in explainging the whole situation or just telling him half of it.


"She's just someone who was my friend while we were apart, I guess." I was trying to tell him but not tell him all of it. "When I went to the hotel after we fought, she was in the next room. I fell on the floor and missed the chair which made a really loud noise so she came in to see what happened. That's how I met her." 

"But if you're friends with her why is she a bitch?"

"She turned into a bitch. Herself."

"Then why is she here?"

"She invited herself. She overheard the call and knew that I was coming. So yeah she invited herself. I am so fucking sick of her shit I don't want to be around her, ever."

"Then don't."

"Trust me I won't."

"You live with her?"

"Not anymore. Well, when we get back I'm moving out. Back to London, I should have been looking for places a long time ago."

"Stay with me!!!"


"Why not? You did before! It'll be like you never left! And I want that." He turned slightly pink and I reached my hand for his. 

 A/U: I had this written for a month and when I came back to update this was already here supprisingly I don't remember ever writing it and I'm not finished with it but you can have it and the next chapter will be continuation :) I'M SO SORRY I'M BACK OMG IT'S BEEN MONTHS 

**also this hasn't been edited i'm just sorry i'm not on so i'm just giving you what i have okay, i'm sORRY DON'T HATE ME****

 omg and yo i seen ptv and adtr and i cried okay my heroes wskjgskjw

does anyone even read this anymore? s i g h thank you if you're still here I love you xoxoxoxoxo

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