Chapter 5.

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I woke up wrapped in Phil's arms again. This time it was more comfrotable, it felt right. And I wasn't letting go anytime soon. I can't. I love him. Just then all these thoughts ran through my head.

Am I gay? Do I actually love Phil? Or is it just because I found out a secret that could kill him? Did I love him before I found out? Yes, Yes, and Yes. I love Phil, I guess you can say that makes me gay, but I don't see it for other guys. In my eyes they're just guys, but when I look at Phil... I see everything I want to see. He's perfect. His eyes are like oceans you could drown in. His lips were so soft and kissable. He had the cutest nose. I could keep going and all but I'd bore you.

Phil is my best friend. I love him. He loves me.

Does he really love me? As much as I love him? I hope so. I really do.

I love him. Even if he don't love me as much as I love him. I do. A lot.

I reached forward and pressed my lips against his. I felt him smile into it and I pulled away.

"You're awake?" I started blushing.

"Of course I'm awake. I get up before you do." He smiled at me.

"Do you love me Phil?" I bit my lip and my face felt hot.

"Dan." He looked at me like I've just asked a very offensive question. "Of course I do. You're my best friend and..." He broke off, but my smile grew.


Should I tell him? Should I ask him? Right now? Is this the right time? Of course it is Phil! He just said he loved you lastnight, and he's asking if you love him you idiot! Tell him. I groaned to myself and let the words slip without even thinking about it. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" I wanted to slap myself in the head. Real smooth Phil, real smooth. I shook the feeling away and looked back up at Dan, who was smiling. A lot. I smiled to myself.

"Yes, Phil. I love you."

"I love you to." I kissed his perfect lips. Ours fitting together perfectly like they were made for eachother. I bit his bottom lip but we pulled away for air. Dan got up and I stared at him confused.

"Do you want to go into town today? Starbucks or something?" He smiled as he opened his bedroom door.

"Yes, sounds good." I smiled and I followed him out of the room.

I went to my room to pick out clothes and take a shower. After I was clean and dressed, we both got on our shoes, grabbed our money and left and locked the flat. It was a silent walk, but a comfortable silence. I smiled at the fact that Dan was now my boyfriend.

Did he want to make it official yet? Should I grab his hand? Would he want me too? I whispered into his ear, "Can I hold your hand?" A smile grew wide on his face.

"Yes." I grabbed his and our fingers winded between eachothers. It fit perfectly, just like how our lips had. Were we made for eachother? Or we just perfect for eachother? Both sounded good so I took his hand and put it in my jacket pocket still winded, keeping both our hands warm. He smiled again.

We ordered the usual from Starbucks and sat into our booth. We talked about getting public or keeping it low for a while. Saying if we should tell Pj and Chris, but we didn't. But there was one thing for sure, we were't telling the Phan's yet. We agreed to whenever we were ready. Which hopefully wasn't for a while. We decided to go shopping for a few new things. We each got 3 shirts, but we'll most likely end up sharing, we wear the same size.


"Lets go to Shake Away!" I said and grabbed Phil's hand as we ran there. As soon as we got there, there was about 6 girls who screamed as we walked inside. "Maybe this was a bad idea." I whisper in Phil's ear as we let go of eachothers hands as fast as possible.




"But I wanted to marry Phil."

"I want THEM to get married."

"I wonder if the-"

"This was a bad idea." Phil said and we both laughed nervously. We got our shakes and left, with all of the girls following us.

We got back to our flat and had to lock the door. The girls know where we live now. Great. "Hey if you's don't go now, we'll be calling security." They screamed and ran.

We went and sat in the living room, watching until we got bored.

"Hey do you want to invite Chris and Pj over and make a video?" I asked.

"Yeah! I'll call them up and see what they're doing, you should set up." He said pulling out his phone and dialing Pj's number first.

I knodded and ran to my room to grab my camera and tripod.

"They'll be over in about 20 minutes." He smiled.

We set up the tripod so it was facing the couch and grabbed our laptops and shakes.

I decided to tweet, "Filming! You guys should like it :D x"

Then I seen Phil's tweet saying, "Filming with other youtubers! Guess who they can be!"

We read out their replies, "Jacksgap!?" "It's ovbiously Pj and Chris LOL, can't wait! :Dxx" Haha were those the only friends we had? NO. We both laughed at it. "Dan?" "Sam Pepper!?"

*Knock knock knock*

I got up to answer the door and let Chris and Pj in. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Dan!" Pj smiled.

"Hey mates!" Chris added as I closed the door behind them and moved our way to the living room.

We couldn't decide about a topic so we just decided to talk about Awkward and Embarassing moments. Which we had tons of bloopers. We all coulnd't stop laughing. These were my best friends. After they left, I edited the video, Phil did the bloopers. He posted the bloopers on his channel and the original on mine. After we posted them we climbed into bed and cuddled until we fell asleep.

A/N: Wow sorry this chapter is so boring. I'll make the next one better!! :)

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