Chapter 15

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We were sitting at Starbucks for almost two hours just talking and laughing.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you at the hotel?" I say biting the inside of my lip and looking at the table.

"I told you, I- my- I broke up with my boyfriend, well uhh, ex... Boyfriend." He stuttered out. I felt so bad.

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry, but what I mean was, do you have family? Or someone you could have stayed with? Cause, well, wouldn't that be better? Or did they not know?"

"No they didn't know, but that reminds me, I have to do something when I get back home. I mean the hotel."

"I'm sorry of asking." My lip was going to bleed soon if I kept biting bit.

"No it's ok, you have the right to know."

"Why do I have the right to know?" I ask confused.

"We'll because we're friends now." He smiled at me with those dimples.

"Really? You want to be MY friend?"

"We'll you already saved my life and know a bit about me so why not?"

"Ok... cool." I smiled. I like him, he's nice and cool.

"Can I ask you something?" His face looked confused.


"Why were you at the hotel?" He looked up from the table.

"Honestly?" I say still biting my lip.

"We'll you know why I was there."

"I was fighting with my parents. They tried to send me to get help for a my 'anger problems'," I used my fingers as quotations. "And uhh, I didn't want to go and I was battling with my depression and stress then I was becoming suicidal, like you were I guess. But I kept postponing the day I would do it, because I have a few death wishes. But yeah, I had to get away from my family for a while."

He looked like he was trying to take it all in. "Weird how you can tell someone you barely know everything other than telling someone you've known forever." He looks up from the table with a small smile on his lips.


Dan was right, I've told him everything, and he did the same. I really hope we stay good friends. I know I don't want to leave him if I pick my day soon. But, I'm actually happy now. Is it real happiness? I don't know, I haven't felt this way in so long.

"So Liv, if it don't mind me calling you that." I felt my smile grow and he continued, "Do you want to do something today?"

"Sure like what?"

"Let's go walk around the mall for a little while." He gets up grabbing my hand to pull me along.

"Shopping!?" I cheered. Yay!

"Yeah sure." He laughed.

I'm so glad I found him and that we're friends now, what would I have done without him?


I walked out of my room. It's so quiet, I miss Dan. So. Damn. Much.

I know he probably won't be coming back anytime soon. Or at all.

I need someone to talk to, I need a goo friend.


"PHIL!! Baby how are you? We haven't talked in like... TO LONG! I'm on my way over! You hungry? I'll pick up a pizza, you want some chicken wings to? Okay I'll get them anyways, I'll get some movies and popcorn and ice cream, chips and stuff too!!! Anything else? Oh wait I know! I'll get some hot chocolate and sodas to! I'll be over in 20 minutes! And I want you to tell me everything! And don't worry about anything, I'm paying for it all." I could hear her smile through the phone, yes I said SMILE. "Ok I'll be right there! I love you, see you soon babe!" And she hung up.

I love Rachel. She will always be my best friend. I smile.

WHOA!!! First smile in a long time! I laughed at that thought. WHOA first laugh too!!! Don't push it, Phil.

I laid back on the couch waiting for Rachel, she'll be here soon. If I just rest my eyes. -

"Phil open the damn door!!!" I screamed banging on my door.

I jumped up and ran to open it for her. I laughed as I seem she was carrying about 20 grocery bags.

"Hey! I texted you to meet me outside to help me bring it up! What happened?"

" I kind of fell asleep waiting for you." I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.

"Ash I'm sorry, help me bring these in and we can talk and watch movie and eat. OH! And the pizza will be here in half an hour." She smiled kindly pulling me into a big friendly 'I'd do anything for you because I love you' hug. I smiled.

"Rachel thank you so much. I love you." I whisper in her ear, scared to say it any louder.

"Oh come on babe," she pulls away, "You can say it louder than that!"

"I love you Rachel!!!" I yelled, echoing through the hall.

"Oh boy, ok let's get inside now before we have an angry neighbour after us." She picks up some bags and leaves some for me to take.

She put the ice cream in the freezer right away and brought he rest of the bags and emptied them all onto the different table in front of the couch.

I followed her and did the same. "What kind of movies do you have?"

"Titanic, The Strangers, Chainsaw Massacre, and a lot more. And we're going. To watch. All. Of. Them." She smiled. "Which one first? They're in that bag!" She points to the one in my left hand. I pull them all out and lay them in the couch beside her.

"Resident evil! The first one! I'm putting it on." I chant like a little kid on Christmas.

She just laughs putting all the movies in a pile on the coffee table, while I put the DVD in.

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