Chapter 10.

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I got up from the floor and blindly walked to the bathroom. That was something I really didn't want to see. I hated it. And it was all my fault, right?

I closed and locked the door behind me. Looking at myself in the mirror, a mess. My hair was all over the place. I can barely see as it is but my eyes were bloodshot, and my shirt was messily buttoned like someone has been tugging at them. I pulled up my sleeves, knowing what had to be done.

*knock knock knock*

What now? Seriously. Well at least I haven't started anything yet, I really didn't want to get caught again. Especially with all my friends over.

I pulled my sleeves back down making sure the cuts and scars were invisible, and unlocked the door. A surprised Haley lifted her head at me, as if she fell asleep waiting for me.

"Hey-heeyyy P-Phil. I have, I have to use the bathroom." She smiled as her alcohol breath pecked my face. I shivered and moved out of her way, I went into my room and closed the door. I was still completely drunk, yeah, but I know what's going on.

I stripped into boxers and climbed into bed falling asleep instantly.


I stumbled my way to Phil's room. I knew he was mad at me, I was planning on saying sorry. If I could even talk. I knocked on the door. No answer.

"Phil." I whispered and knocked again. "Phil." I slowly opened the door, he was in bed sleeping. I sighed in relief and decided to join him. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the bed and cuddled up next to him.

"Phil, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I love you." A tear left my eye and I kissed him. He may not be awake but I still need to say it to get it off my chest, whether he can hear me or not. "I love you" I repeated. I layed facing him with my face buried in his chest, and then I drifted off.

I woke up wrapped in Phil's arms. I smiled, I squeezed my eyes closed, my head pounding. I need to take something. Is Phil awake? "Phil." I whispered, my eyes still closed. I brought my hand up to my forehead, hoping it would stop the pounding, but nothing changed.

What time was it anyways? A small gap of light was shining through the curtains. I don't remember where I put my phone either, and I don't see Phil's.

I really need to take something for the hangover.

I unraveled Phil's arms from my waist and sat up in bed. Phil turned over facing away as I rubbed my eyes. I looked back at Phil and smiled again. He's so cute.

I through on a shirt and shorts and then walked out to the kitchen to get a Tylonol and some water. Pj and Chris were passed out and Rachel and Haley, I don't know where they were. My room maybe. I didn't feel like looking for them. Just taking a pill and going back to bed.

My stomach growled after I swollowed the water. I'll go to bed after I eat something, I thought. I looked through the fridge for something fast to eat and found close to nothing. I just made toast and scarfed it down before making my way back to Phil's bed.


"Haley where are we?" I asked through my teeth. My head was killing and I wasn't sure where we were.

"I don't know." She said as she turned her head away from me and went back to sleep.

I don't know whos bed this is and I don't know how I got here. It must have been a good night. I really hope I didn't do anything stupid.

I decided to get out of bed to check the time, where was my phone anyways? I closed the door behind me still peaking in on haley. I turned around -


"Whoaaaaa" I back up as I realized I walked into someone. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok." It was Dan.

Oh great even more awkward, I remember the stupid shit I did now. I brought my hand up to my forehead trying to stop the pounding.

"Are you ok?" I say behind my closed eyes.

"Yeah, just a bad hangover, you ok?"

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It's fine, really, were you's sleeping in my room?"

I opened my eyes and looked back at the door. "Oh yeah, I think. Are Chris and Pj still here?"

"Yeah." Dan walked around me back to another room. Wait, if we slept in Dan's room, where was Dan sleeping? And Where is Phil?

"Where you going?" I ask confused.

He had his hand on the door knob, "back to bed." He had a faint smile on his face now.

"Were you sleeping with Phil?" After it left my mouth I felt like screaming at myself, and he was looking at me with wide eyes. "I mean. Were you sleeping... um... in Phil's room?"

"Erm, yeah." He said awkwardly letting go of the knob and stepping away with his hands I'm the air.

"No! I mean, like, you could have slept in your room, if you wanted, we didn't mean to fall asleep in there, like, I don't even know how I got in there, I don't remember walking in there. I mean like-"

"It's fine, Rachel."

"Oh, okay then." I awkwardly shift my weight on my right leg. Wait, what was I even wearing. A baggy t-shirt and baggy shorts. I've never seen these clothes in my life. What the fuck. "Who's clothes am I wearing?" I say laughing.

"Mine." Dan showed no emotion.

"Oh. Sorry. I don't even remember putting these on. I'm so confused, what's wrong with me? Oh my god, what even happened last night? I did something stupid didn't I? Oh my god, I'm sorry, I need to leave."

I walked back into Dan's room to wake up Haley and get my phone and change back into my clothes.

As soon as I was dressed and ready to go I opened the door and left it open for Haley to follow behind me.

I still had a pounding headache but I really need to go somewhere. Why do I always do something so stupid when I party with Dan? I just want to die. He was even looking at me like he hated me. With disgust.

As soon as we got in the car we didn't say anything, just drove and didn't stop.

A/N: Sorry It's kinda short and not to exciting but I don't know what to write :/ I'm sorry it took so long! The next one might be the same but I got a good idea :)

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