Chapter 11.

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I stood in the same spot 10 minutes after the girls left. Debating on if I should go sleep in my room or go back in Phil's room, like I've never left, or never woken up.

I went back in Phil's room, it would be weird sleeping in my room, especially after the girls just slept in it. Girls have cooties. I let out a laugh. Oops. I hope I didn't wake up Phil. And that small giggle I just did, just gave me the biggest headache in the entire universe. As if it wasn't big enough. That's what she said.

I climbed into Phil's bed and cuddled next to him, closing my eyes. I kissed his lips and fell asleep.


I woke up and hit my head on something really hard.


What the hell?

I opened my eyes and realized I was under the table. What?

How did I get under here? Oh well, hope it was a good night. I climbed out from underneath and as soon as I stood up I realized that I had a bad headache and felt like I was about to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and hurled up my last bits I had left.

It felt better once it was out, I knew that wasn't the end of it, so I rested my arm on the edge of the toilet. Trying to make the rest come up. Nothing else seemed to come out so I figured it could be done. I got up, flushed the toilet twice to make sure none was left, and then washed and rinsed out my mouth. Next time I should bring my tooth brush to a party. Keep it in my pocket. Or something.

I washed out my eyes. Most of the blur left, but the headache found it's way back. I cringed my eyes half close and walked out of the bathroom to the medicine cupboard. I took two Tylonols dryly and sat on the chair staring at Chris laying on the couch.

I took a look around the room, and, it wasn't even messy, I didn't even looked like we partied here. We drank right from the bottles. Who needs red cups anyways? Wimps do, that's who.

Who were left anyways? Where were Phil, Dan, and the girls? I slowly got up, ignoring the headache, and made my way down the hall.

Dan's room. Well there was no one in his bed, or on the floor anywhere. So they must all be in Phil's room? Damn, and they didn't invite us with them? Omfg. They did a foursome!!?? I almost choked on the air as it fell into the wrong place. They must have if there is no one here.

I slowly opened Phil's door. I don't want to see anything disdurbing so I peeked through a small crack. I seen Phil laying in bed and another brown haired body next to him. But that was it. But I wasn't sure if It was Rachel or Haley. And if it was one of them then where would Dan be? Maybe he got up early to get Starbucks? Maybe he wanted to get breakfast? Maybe... I don't know I ran out of ideas. What would Dan be doing right now? He barely even leaves his house.

If it was Haley, then where was Rachel? I don't think she'd leave her sister behind, unless she had to get up early for something, unless she was coming back, I couldn't think of another reason.

WAIT! I know Rachel and Dan kind of have a thing! It don't matter that she denied it last night!

That could be Haley in the bed and Rachel could have left to go with Dan somewhere!! Yeah, I think I should go on CSI or something.

But what if I wasn't right?

I let go of the door to lean in closer, the door flung open and I fell on the floor with a loud bang coming behind me. I crawled out of the room to the bathroom as soon as I can and locked the door behind me. Did they see me? I hope not! That would be embarrassing. That would be spying! Wait, would it be considered spying? I was only trying to identify who the brown haired being was.

Either way, I'd have to face hungover Phil and his one night stand. If it was a one night stand. What if it wasn't a one night stand. What if he got together often with this person? What if Phil is dating someone and hasn't told anyone? What if there is a stranger in his bed. What if he is dating someone and he hasn't told Dan? How would Dan react? Would he be mad? I would be pretty pissed off if Chris didn't tell me he was dating someone. Well, he's not, and I'm not mad at him, but, this isn't about Chris!

Stop over-thinking Pj.

I sunk to the ground and fell back against the toilet. Oh god. Why do I always over think anyways. All the thoughts came rushing back. Each of them.

Was it Dan? Was it Rachel? Was it Haley? If it was Dan, was Phil gay? Were they gay? Were they together? If so, why hadn't they told me!? Why hadn't they told us!?

My breathing got heavy and I turned around and let the last of the vomit come up.

God dammit Pj. Stop over reacting.

I rinsed out my mouth and walked out of the bathroom, forgetting about Phil and his one night- I mean, person. I mean Phil and his person.

I opened the door and looked back to make sure I didn't drop anything or make a mess, and I ended up walking into, well, guess who.

Yep Phil and his-, well Phil and Dan.

Wait. PHIL AND DAN!???

"WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed.

They stared at me like they just saw a ghost.

"What's wrong with your faces?" I ask.

"Well you just came in my room, creeping through the door, and then wake us up with the loudest noise ever, and you come out of the bathroom, screaming at us. I'm pretty confused." Phil said.

He's confused? HE'S CONFUSED? "You're confused!? You's were just laying in the same bed there cuddling and, wait. Are you dating? Are you together? Do you have a thing together? What's going on? And why haven't you told me or Chris about this? I wake up checking to see if the girls left already and I seen yous practically on top of each others bodies. And you're confused?I don't know if it's just my headache or if it was really you two but, you should tell me now before I have an anxiety attack." I ran out of breath.

Dammit Pj stop making things so difficult and ask one thing at a time.

They stared at me, the same stare as before. Dan slowly backed up. Do they not know what to say?

After I thought they weren't going to talk I decided to say something. "So are you going to tell me something?"

A/N: Hey guys, sorry it took so long to write this chapter. I had the worst writers block ever and I've only been reading other peoples stories lol. Thanks for the votes and comments on this story (: I'm sorry this chapter is kinda bad. I liked how Pj turned out to be lol XD Sorry for it being boring and predictable for some of you :(

Anyways I love you all!

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