Chapter 16

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Raeyeon pov

"Raeyeon.." silent.

"Raeyeon.." silent.

"Yeonnie.." silent.

"What?!" I said.

"Are you still mad at me?" Did he just ask me that question?

"And if I say I am?"

"What did I do wrong?" really??

"You came here and did it in front of them. NO. In public! Do you know how embarrassed I was? People are looking at us! Even kids and ol-"

I didn't had a chance to let my angry out when suddenly I feel his warm lips once again on mine and it's make me shock and stunned at the same time but still i love how warm it's feel. Then he pull away from me.

"Finally, you're mouth shut.."

"Pabo.." i mummble softly.

I glare at him when he said and also I was glad that we we're at the chair beach far from people view. I just keep my mouth shut and look at beach when suddenly i feel I was being pull and make me fall on his chest. I can feel my cheeks are starting to blush when his hands snake around my waist and pull me close to him.

"Yah, why did you do that? Now, let me go.."

I said as I trying to free myself from him. Jezz.. why does he had to be so strong..

"Because you're still mad at me.. but I think I like this position.. it's make me feel warm and cozy.."

he said as grip his hold around my waist and pull me closer that make me put my cheek on his chest.

"Yah! People will saw.." i said as i try to free from him but fail.



I use my cute voice (hohoho, I hope it's work) but he still silent. OK, that's it!

"Yah! Do you even heard what I said t-"

I stunned when I saw that he was staring at me and make my heart race.

"Jagiya. *pause* if you even use that tone to me, I swear I will make you regret that you are trying to tempt me.."

He whisper into my ear that make me shiver because of his warm breath.


I was shock when I heard his voice. Oh my gosh! NOT AGAIN~ It so embarrassing.

""Seriously? Here? At the beach? On daylight? Wow.."

Now when I heard suga voice, I burried my face at the crook of hoseok neck. Gosh! It's even more embarrassing but then my body we're shake and then I realise that hoseok was laughing.

"Guys, are you jealouse?? Hahahaha!!" I can't believe that he was laughing.

"Eeww!! No way!! I rather be single then being a love struck like both of you..!"

"Whatever TaeTae *grin* well, she's mine.. so, I do what I like.. you're just jealouse."

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are"





"I d-"

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