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"Are you ready for tomorrow?" Alexis asked me as she sat on my sofa with a ample bowl of vanilla ice cream this Friday night.

I nodded, starring at the TV ahead of me. A new episode of Basketball Wives was airing. Alexis leaned her head on my shoulder. I pushed her off and laughed. "Save it for Chris," I joked.

She got off me and looked puzzled. "Chris. . . ?. . . . .  Uh. . . Um. . . Hmm . . . Oh yeah! Chris! Right, right!"

I looked at her dumb founded. "Duh. What? You forgot about him or something?"

Alexis shrugged and took a scoop from the bowl, and took the scoop in her mouth. "No. . . well . . . kinda. I've been thinking of other guys, you know?"

"Other guys?" I chuckled. "Alexis, all you could think about this week was Chris! You were even filled with joy when he sent you a simple 'hey' text message! And you've been thinking of other guys?" I turned from the TV to her. She starred at the floor, then at me and smiled. "Things can change, you know?"

I looked at her for a second. Was she really saying she doesn't like Chris anymore? I think I knew why. . . 

"Oh, really?"

She nodded. "Yes really," with a graceful smile, she said. She picked up her finger and touched my nose, leaving a dripping white spot on my nose. She giggled and took another mouthful of the ice cream. I scoffed and let it go. 

"Yet, his little friend isn't as small as it looks from the outside. . . " Her voice trailed off.

I swung around. "WHAT? Are you talking about his penis?"

She nodded. 

"Your lying! You seen it already?"

"Yeah, I texted him good morning and he sent pictures."

"Pictures?! As in more than one!?"

Alexis beckoned.

I took my hand and tapped her face. "Snap out of it! That's sexting!" I yelled, yet not to loud for my mom to wake up.

Alexis's eyes widened as she starred at my face. "So? You didn't say anything about sexting. And he sent them to me. I didn't send any back."

I compose for a moment. "That's still wrong. But as long as you didn't participate in that disgusting game, then I can come back to earth." I took a huge breath and sat back in the couch, continuing Basketball Wives. 

"Of course not," Alexis started. "I have better things to do than to violate my own body in that way."

"Good." I simply say, not paying much attention to her anymore, but on the TV again. "So, no sex on prom, right?"

I continued to watch the show until 15 seconds later, I didn't get a response. I turned my head at pondering Alexis. "Right?" 

"I don't know," She said weakly. "I just wanna get it over with, you know? I don't want to just be the only virgin next year," She told me.

I turned around with surprise. "What?" I take my hand and slap her harder across the face. "Stop talking like that, okay?" I say.

Alexis hold her face, in astonishment, then shoves me. "Don't do that! I'm serious!"

My mouth drops. "Why? Can't you just tell everyone you aren't? That's what I do!" 

Alexis shakes her head. "It doesn't work like that, Brianna. You know that."

I frown. "Don't. You made a promise to me that you would not have sex during or after prom,"

"I didn't promise I wouldn't have it after prom," She says, starring at the TV.

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