Chapter 2

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It all started when I began to Kik random people to get my mind out of Sally's disappearance. I met new people who goes to my school but I never gave private information. I met this girl named Giselle who's in my history class, a 9th grader named Elias, the skateboarder clown, and another freshman named Fredrick, who is a total wacko. He didn't want to meet me because he thought I'm too "weird." I don't see myself as weird. I'm just unique.

But there is one guy I met who doesn't go to my school. I met him two months before the last day of school. He claimed to like Creepypasta and horror movies. His name is... Jeffrey Woods. We got so close, we decided to start Skyping. He has brown hair, bright blue eyes and he always wear Converse and a white hoodie.Its weird, though, that he was named after a Creepypasta. What a coincidence.

While Skyping, he brought up a subject about school.

"I'm moving schools." He announced, sounding a little bit afraid.

"Jeffrey, don't worry. I bet you'll be fine." I said, attempting to comfort him.

Jeffrey was about to reply, when his bedroom door got kicked open and someone tackled him with a wild war cry.

Then, I heard Jeffrey cry "Holy Fu-- OW! Liu! Get. Off!" Jeffrey hit the camera and ended the Skype session. I tossed my IPad on my bed and giggled at the look of his face. I swore I saw stitches on "Liu's" face.

I woke up from the screams of my alarm clock. I meant to press the snooze button, but I slapped it to the ground instead. Why did it alarm so early? I was in a deep sleep. Oh, I remember now. It's the first day of school. Yay, I guess.

I stood up and dragged myself to take a warm shower. After the relaxing shower, I picked a red shirt, black hoodie, grey jeans, and black Converse. I jogged downstairs, almost tripping over my own feet. Wow, I'm clumsy. I grabbed a piece of toast, greeted my parents, and ran out the door. But someone bumped into me and we both fell on the freshly mowed lawn. I sat up,rubbing my head and realized Sabrina ran into me.

"Why were you running?" I gasped for breath.

She responded in her unusually bubbly voice, "because its the first day of school, silly."

I just smiled and rolled my eyes and helped her up. After a short walk, we arrived at the bus stop. I decided to bring a random subject up.

"Remember, two years ago, a student died at our neighboring high school."

"Yeah, I remember. The killer did it for self defense, though." Sabrina began. "He later turned crazy and actually began killing for fun."

"He's still on the loose, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yeah, he is. Hey, look its Camille." Sabrina pointed out.

We got on the bus with Camille but we didn't talk She made everything awkward with her emotionless face. We got off the bus and the first thing we saw was Mr. Aguilar's strict face. We don't like him as much as Faith, this girl who always makes fun of me, does. Its because he never trusted me. He always suspected that I have a weapon in my bag or something.

"Good morning, girls. Now, hand over the bags so I can check them."

"Well, guess what, Aguilar. We don't have any weapons." Sabrina retorted. She always has my back.

"Yeah. Check it all you want." Camille backed Sabrina up.

Aguilar Checked every pocket of my blood red backpack and Sabrina and Camille's pink backpack. As usual, he didn't find anything.

"Go ahead, Clearwater. I'll see you in math class." He groaned.

I shot him a sarcastic smile before taking off to re-group with my friends. The three of us are always 30 minutes early before the first bell rings. It was gloomy and windy, so I decided to put my hood up to keep my face warm and to hide my face. Sabrina suggested that we help new freshmen around the school.

"I doubt they will accept our help." Camille assumed.

"But I'm in student council. We should at least try." Sabrina answered.

"I'm siding with Camille this time" I jumped in.

She dragged us towards new students and guess what? They declined our help.

"Ok, there's one more guy that might need our help." She said.

We fast walked towards the parking lot, even though we had about 20 more minutes before the bell rings. We spotted a black car stop in front of us and a boy, about 15 and an inch taller than me, stepped out. He wore a white hoodie, black pants and Converse and he has brown hair. When his shining blue eyes met mine, I knew. It was Jeffrey.

He gave me a warm, shy smile and I gave him one, too. He went up to me and said "Hey, Clary."

"Hey, Jeffrey." I greeted back. I looked down, feeling awkward seeing him in person. I played with my spiky bracelet and my two crazy friends started embarassing me.

"Otp, otp, otp." They started chanting. I punched them both in the stomach, their lungs struggling for air. Awkwardest moment of my life, to be honest.

"I didn't know you go here." He admitted. "At least I know someone already."

"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend, Clary? I thought I'm your friends." Sabrina complained.

"Shut up, he's not my boyfriends. I met him on Kik, to get my mind out of Sally." I said.

"Otp," Camille fake coughed.

We guided Jeffrey to the main office to get his schedule, and it looks like Sabrina, Jeffrey and I have the same classes except P.E. and homeroom. Looks like he's as smart as Sabrina and I.

We sat in period 8, English class with Mr. Hicks, Jeffrey sitting in front of me and Sabrina in front of him. Sabrina and I threw a crumpled piece of paper over Jeffrey's head writing about something he could't know. Unfortunately, he caught it like a freaking ninja. My heart started beating so fast, it felt like a freaking mini-heart attack. He uncrumpled the paper and read it;

Sabrina: you like him don't u?

Clary: Pfft, no I dont.

S: Ya, u do. Admit it.

C: Fine, he is kind of cute.


Jeff slowly looked at Sabrina, who smiled a pathetic "whoops you caught us red handed" smile, then slowly turned to me. I put up my hood and bowed my head so he couldn't see my tomato red face.

Thank goodness, the bell rang. I immediately ran out the room and through the sea of students. Unfortunately, they asked Fredrick where I headed and he told them I Was headed to the Auditorium gate. Jeffrey stopped next to me and Sabrina panted what happened to Camille.

"Seriously?" Jeffrey asked with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, wanna come over my house?" I asked, hoping they would go with the flow and change the subject. Obviously, they said yes. They know they're going to get free food from me.

We played Call of Duty and we dominated the game. Jeffrey and I were the real heroes, while Camille and Sabrina hid in a corner and accidentally shoots me twice in half an hour. My mom also baked us chocolate chip cookies. She bakes the best cookies. After that, they all went home. For some reason, Jeffrey headed towards the woods. What if he lives there? Probably not, I've explored that place and I never saw a living soul in there. Maybe its just a short cut, but i doubt it. It takes a shorter time walking around the forest than walking straight through it. Well, its none of my business.

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