Chapter 7

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Ben and I walked towards Sabrina's house which is just next to my old one. But when we were a couple yards away from the living room window someone jumped on Ben. He shrieked his scared girly voice again that week and he got pinned to the floor. It was a girl who tackled him. Ha! A girl! She had blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, and she had her black hoodie up. I couldn't see her face. She stared punching Ben, but finally he pushed her off. 

When Ben was on top, he was about to bring his fist down on her face, when he stopped. His eyes widened like an owl and he was frozen like a statue. Ooh, looks like someone's in looove. 

Her hood fell off and I finally saw her familiar face. Who else could have blonde hair and pale skin? Only Sabrina. But her eyes were different. Sabrina's eyes were all black, like her mother, Judge Angel.

"Oh, my gosh," I gasped, surprised Sabrina could wrestle a guy with heels. "You are Judge Angel's daughter."

"Clary!" She said. She jumped up and hugged me. "What do you mean Judge Angel's daughter?"

I explained everything she had to know. About the Pastas, her mother, her sword, me being the "Chosen One." She didn't seem that surprised.

"I knew it you were somehow special!" she exclaimed. She eyed Ben who was rubbing his cheek from her punches. 

"Your dating Jeffrey, not Ben right?" She whispered.

"Okay, first of all, I'm dating no one. Second, he's all yours." I said, chuckling.

Ben and I helped Sabrina catch up with the Slenderman vs. Observer war. Smile Dog met us half way through the forest, making sure we were safe. 

But most of the time, Ben just stood there, staring at Sabrina, drooling. He looked stupidly stupid. I had to kick him a couple of times to keep him from drooling. 

But something was off about these woods. It wasn't like that before. It seemed quiet than before. The trees were still and the moon were blocked by the clouds. The only sound we hear is out own voices. No else seemed to be with us.

But I feel eyes burning a hole at the back of my head. I keep turning around to see if someone was there, no one showed up. Shivers ran up my spine, but I shook it off and enjoyed the moment with my best friend.

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