Chapter 4

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I woke up, on my red-covered bed, exactly at midnight. I swore I saw Creepypastas, it wasn't a dream. Maybe it was? I don't know for sure. Wow, I was hungry that night, so I sauntered downstairs and headed into the kitchen, too lazy to turn on any lights. I opened the fridge door and the yellow light blinded me.

Then I felt wind blow my hair for a second. There were no windows opened and my parents turned off the a/c before leaving for work couple of hours ago. Anyways, I took the left over cookies from Friday and I was about to go back, when someone pinned me to the wall, causing me to drop my precious cookies.

"You son of a-- you made me drop my freaking cookies!" I groaned, my face inches from the intruder.

The dude whispered in my ear, "Go... To... Sleep..." He raised his hand clutching a... Knife! I can't die yet, I'm too young!

My eyes widened in fear. I struggled under his grip, kicking and punching. I, luckily, kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and he fell to the ground. Unfortunately, he recovered quickly. Thanks to the time I spent in the woods, I was able to use my knife skills I practiced and was able to keep him busy for a while.

But obviously, I lost. He kicked me and I fell back and hit my head on the cold, hard floor. The crazy killer straddled me and put his knife on my neck.

"You're good. No one was able to live five more precious minutes when I attack them." He chuckled evilly.

"But what's the use of fighting, if I'm still going to die." I retorted.

"Who says you were?" He said, confusing me.

"Why are you suddenly not trying to kill me?" I asked.

"'Cuz if I do, I'm in trouble. You see, you're needed. So shut up and come with me." He bitterly answered.

We arrived at the same mansion in my "dreams." Jeff the Killer admitted that what I saw yesterday was real.

"Let me introduce you to the Pastas. Even though I know you know probably know all of them." He said.

We walked into the living room and I already recognized someone. Smile Dog was sleeping on the couch. I doubt he they let him sit on the couch. We quietly walked by, trying not to wake up Smile because there is a high chance he would tear out throats.
Then we sauntered into the kitchen, where I saw Eyeless Jack , or EJ, his mask off, eating kidneys and Jane the Killer wrestling Laughing Jack, or LJ, for the last cupcake. A knife flew an inch past Jeff's head.

We both looked at Jane and she smirked, "Next time I won't miss."

Jeff quickly pulled me out of the killer kitchen and we entered a long, dark hall, with a couple of doors on either side. We entered a random bedroom, and we saw Natalie, also known as Clockwork, replacing her watch eye with another watch.

"Jeff! Couldn't you knock? Oh, our new member of the family has arrived." She said. She shoved the new watch into her eye socket and walked towards me.

"Finally! Another girl in the house. You're Clary, right? I'm guessing you know who I am."

"Yeah, I do." I answerd.

" Well, your room is just right next to mine. Maybe Sally, you and I could go shopping and decorate your room?"

"Sure! that'd be great."

"What do you want in your ro--"

"We should get going and meet Slendy." Jeff cut Clockwork off. He took my hand and dragged me towards another room. The door opened and we were greeted with the sharp sounds of Ticci Toby's ax against stone.

"Oh, hey Clary. Jeff." He greeted me in a bubly way but greeted Jeff with a monotone. "Jeff give me back my favorite ax."

"No way. Give me back my textbooks, first. I need to study or Slendy takes away my knives."

They argued for a while, so I jumped in because we had to move on, "guys, calm down don't kill each other. Jeff we have to go. Bye, Toby." We were headed towards the door, safe from any harm, but, thanks to Jeff, he turned around and stuck his middle finger up, which pissed Toby off. Toby raised his hand, clutching his ax and threw it at us.

Jeff didn't react quick and wasn't able to catch the weapon. Fortunately, I didn't want him to die, so I caught it an inch from his eye. He blinked, petrified, his eyes swimming with the ghosts of his past. I put my hand down, clutching the ax and tossed it back to Toby.

"Well, good bye, dude."

I pulled Jeff, now in his petrified state, out of the room. I'm on my own, now, looking for Slender's office. Jeff is really helpful, right now.

I walked into another door hoping its Slenderman's office. Unfortunately, it was Laughing Jack.

He threw a piece of Starburst at Jeff's frozen face and asked,"what happened to him?"

"Long story short, he almost died, but I saved his life."

"Ok" he replied and tossed me a candy. Obviously, I didn't eat it. He's known to poison candy.

I pulled Jeff by the hand, heading towards the last door at the end of the hall. We walked through cobwebs, that attached to my hair. I might have even swallowed a couple of spiders.

We arrived in front of the door. I go in the room and I will meet the leader of the Creepypastas. It will be such an honor to meet him. I was about to grab the door knob, it just opened up by itself...

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