The Stranger

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Chapter 1:

"Alicia! Alicia get up!" Momma called me from the stairs.

I groaned and rolled over to see the clock. It was 12:30...I had thirty minutes to get get ready and get to my class which was forty minutes away. This sucked...I was so use to living on campus. But since I couldn't afford to do that anymore I had to be here...stuck with my parents. Great...

"Alicia, you're going to be late for class." She said. She made it all the way up to my room.

"I am..." I lied. I slid out the bed and went straight for the shower ignoring her nagging. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and left out without any food or coffee. Life was miserable for me right now...


"Hey, Ali how was class?"

"It was fine, Lin. What about you? Did you finish your Art final?"

"Umm...almost. I was just wondering..."


"About Thomas..."

"You can have him." I said cringing at the name. My ex boyfriend...

"No, I wanted to model you and him. You couples in love. I wanna make you guys into a sculpture."

"We're not together anymore, so unless you want to sculpt me kicking his ass while his little cheating slut watches, then you're going to have to find another corny couple." I said. I hoped in my car and slammed the door. Lin got inside and looked at me sad.

"I didn't know." She said. "I never would have guessed."

"Well yeah...he did. All guys want is pussy...not love." I told her. She was not the sharpest tool in the shed.

"What's that?" She asked. I shook my head and just drove to the restaurant.

"You guys came!!" Jason said smiling. It was his grand opening of his new restaurant. He was one of my best friends. One of my only friends. I would not trust him because he's a guy, but he's gay. He can't hurt my love life.

"Of course we came. We would never miss this for anything." Lin said.

"Where's the bar?" I asked.

"Oh well right this way. Let me take you guys on a tour." He said with the biggest smile ever. He took us to the kitchen first where all the "magic" happens. It was so loud with pots and pans not to mention the crazy smells. I bet they would smell delicious by theirselves. It was very weird that every chef in there was really cute...but then again Jason alway likes to have eye candy when he works.

Then we went to where everyone eats and listens to live music. It was pretty nice but I was just waiting for him to show me the...ahh the bar! That's what I'm talking about. I went to the bartender...who was also unbelievably sexy...and asked for a Long Island ice tea.

"Let me see your ID, please." He said with a smile. I sighed and gave it to him.

" Long Island ice tea coming up...Alicia."

"Oh's Ali." I corrected him.

"Well it says Alicia on your ID."

"I'm changing it tomorrow morning." I joked. He laughed and made my drink.

"My name is---"

"I don't care. Just keep these coming." I said walking away to the dance floor after downing my drink.
-----------------------------------------------------next day---

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