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Chapter 20:

Justin's POV

"Dude I cannot believe you're leaving me already...I'm gonna miss you." Daniel said as I cleaned out my desk.

"Yeah well..." I said shrugging.

"So when are ya leaving? Maybe we'll have like a going away party."

"Uhh...I leave next week. Friday." I said.

"You make it sound like a tragedy. You're getting promoted man. I know Ali's siked about goi--"

"She's not going." I said shaking my head at the fact that he brung her up.

"Wait...she staying here? In Seattle...while you and Austin go---"

"Austin's not going either." I said cutting him off.

"Dude no wonder you're mopey as hell. You're leaving Ali and Austin here? Why?"

"Daniel can we just---"

"No we cannot talk about something else. You're leaving you're family here man. Ali and Austin are your family."

"No, Austin is my son. Me and Ali aren't together."

"That's total bullshit. I see the way you guys look at each other, man. What the hell is going on?"

"'s just that me and Ali are too different." I shrugged.

"Opposites attract...that's not what this is about. Is this because you two are eleven years apart?"

"No it's...I mean kind of but---"

"Think about this, Justin. You are going all the way on the other side of the country by yourself. You're leaving you're family here..."

"I can visit Austin whenever I want."

"And what about Ali?"

"What about her?"

"You are in love with her...everybody in this office can see that."

"Daniel I thank you for trying to help, but just drop it please." I said brushing my hair back.

"Fine, but you need to think about it before you run off to New York by yourself."

"Yeah..." I said grabbing my box and staring to walk away.

"You need to talk to her at least." Daniel called after me. I sighed and started to walk away to my car. I threw in the box in the back and drove home. As soon as I walked in I poured me a drink. I looked around seeing all the boxes in my room. I couldn't believe I was actually going...

I told Ali so that she would not want me to go. But she told me to go...

So here I was a week away from leaving her and Austin here while I go to New York by myself.

I started to take a sip of my drink, but I stopped. I pulled out my phone...I needed to hear her voice.

"Hello?" She said as if she didn't know who it was.

"Umm hey." I said putting down my drink.

"Justin?" She said surprised.

"'s me." I said sighing. I held my head. "Umm I was just wonder know I leave in a week and I was gonna ask if I can see Austin before I leave." I lied. That's not why I fucking called...idiot.

"Umm...of course. What day are you umm---"

" Friday. So maybe I can see him that Thursday?" I said face palming myself.

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