Funeral/Love Taps

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Chapter 6:

Justin's POV

I stared at the ceiling regretting waking up this day...the funeral. Why did I have to go? Just cause I was her what? I mean she didn't take the title 'mother' seriously.

"Justin, the limo is here sweetie." Mrs. Simmons said. I sighed and got up. I looked in the mirror, fixed my hair, unwrinkled my suit, and looked at that very handsome and miserable man in the mirror. He wasn't me...he looked like me, but he wasn't.

I walked downstairs slowly and stared at the limo outside. was real.

I got in with Cameron, Ali, and their mom since it was only one limo at her house. It was so quiet in the limo...I looked at Ali for a while and she avoided my gaze. I didn't get her...

The car stopped and we got out. I went in and stood in the middle of the aisle as I stared at the caste from a far away distance. It was family hour so nobody was really here...not that'll be a full house. Explains why they're having this thing at the funeral home.

"Justin..." I heard my father's voice and I tensed up. I turned around and looked down rather at his face.

"Hey dad..." I said putting my hands in my pocket.

"How've you been?"

"Not so well actually..." I said narrowing my eyes. "I haven't been well since I don't know about ...26 years ago." I spat.

"Justin, I'm sorry."

"Yes you are..." I mumbled...but he heard me. I didn't care.

"I understand you're mad, but lets just act civil for your mom's sake."

"Yeah...I'll be civil. Just stay away from me." I said walking away from him. I went in the hallway and sat down on the bench. Ali walked passed not seeing me, but I stopped her.


"Oh hey..." She smiled and sat next to me. "How are holding up?"

"Not too well. I can't get to close to the caste." I confessed. She rubbed my knee to comfort me when really it was making me want her in the worst way.

"It's gonna get better." She assured me. I tried to give her a genuine smile, but that seemed impossible.

"Justin, is that you?" I heard familiar voice. I looked up sighed.

"Hey, Kacy." I said smiling slightly. She looked so grown...I guess because of the fact that she's pregnant now.

"How you holding up about this whole thing?" She asked sniffing as if she just got done crying.

"Not well would think I'll be fine but..." I shook my head.

"Have you figured out what you're gonna say?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Dad said you were talking."

"Why would he get me to---" I got up and went to find him. "Why did you say I was gonna say something?" I said once I found him in the kitchen. We walked out to talk.

"Kacy can't do it. Did you see?"

"Yeah. She's pregnant, so what?"

"I don't want my daughter stressing while she's pregnant."

"Dad, so you send me up there? I hated her!" I said in a whisper scream.

"Just say what's in your heart."

"If I say what's in my heart, the whole family is gonna hate me and I'm not gonna lie either."

"Then tell the truth..." Dad said shrugging like it was no big deal. Fine...if he wants me to tell the truth then I will.

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