I Needed Him

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Chapter 3:

I sighed as I watched the sun rise since I couldn't get any type of sleep. I heard Alicia get out the bed and went downstairs...I have nothing else to do but listen to her every move. Is that weird?

"Hey guy...ummm---" I heard her say in a tired voice after 10 minutes. I got up and opened the door.

"What?" I asked making her jump and turn back around.

"I thought you were sleep..." She said rubbing her eyes.

"Na...what is it?"

"Can you please clean up your mess from last night? I---"

"Wait wait wait...you knocked on my door for that?"

"The kitchen is a mess because you won't clean up."

"I didn't even go in the kitchen last night." I shook my head.

"Well I stayed in my room to finish my final, so it had to be you with the skillet and the pot full of hot dogs sitting out all night and the fries---"

"I hate hot dogs... I don't eat them. I don't even eat pork." I said looking at her confused. She shook her head in disbelief.

"Whatever..." She said rolling her eyes. She went back downstairs. I shook my head and slapped the door.

"Yeah whatever..."

Ali's POV

This guy was really getting on my damn nerves...ALWAYS leaving his shit around. I wanted to scream. Once again I had to clean up his mess.

I slammed the dishes around as I clean the kitchen. He was such an ass...all he did was sit around and mope.

"Asshole..." I whispered to myself. After I was done, I opened the refrigerator for something to eat.

"Nothing?" I heard some one say. I closed the fridge slowly only to find a random guy in the house with a black mask on. He was wearing all black, so the random mustard stain on his shirt stood out the most. I started to back up slowly in fear.

"Thanks for cleaning up my mess for me. You're really nice...and beautiful." He said in a calm voice making me more terrified as he got closer. He closed the fridge and walked faster toward me. I ran, but he grabbed me and pulled me up on his shoulder. I screamed and kicked and he sat me on the counter.

"Let me go!" I screamed, but he ignored it. He tied my hands back with some rope and my legs.

"I won't hurt you, sweetie." He whispered in my ear. I felt a tear run down my cheek as he brushed my face with his fingers. He picked me up and took me upstairs to my room. He sat me on the bed and started to take off his shirt.

"I just want to make you feel as beautiful as you are." He said quietly as he put a chair under the door knob. I tired to break free before he could come to the bed, but he stopped me. He pushed me down and ripped off my shorts making me wince.

"You better not make a sound..." He said a little more violently. He started to unbutton his pants.

"No! No, please leave me alone." I begged with tears running down my face. I've never felt so weak. He slapped me for speaking. I manage to get an arm lose. I slapped his face making him move back. I tried take the ropes off my legs, but he grabbed me. I started to kick trying to hit him in the balls, but he forced me back down and took off my panties and his pants quickly.

"No no NO! Help me help me please! HELP JUSTIN!!!" I screamed loudly.

"Keep fighting, bitch. It turns me on." He said violently. I felt his head enter and I let out a unrecognizable scream. The man wrapped his hands around my neck and he started to strangle me. The door started to open violently making the creep let go of my neck in shock.

"Justin!!" I screamed for his name. He busted it open and grabbed the man before he could get it all the way in. Justin punched him in the face making him go down. He got up and tackled Justin to the ground. The man punched him in the eye, but Justin brushed it off and managed to get the guy off. He grabbed my lamp and banged it across the mans head hard enough for him to pass out. I covered myself with my sheets as I cried out loud. Justin stood there put of breath and stared at the guy for a while. Then he looked at me with sadness and concern in his eyes.

"Are you...are you ok?" He asked me in a whisper. I just nodded slightly.

"Did he---"

"No...almost." I answered. Justin let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm gonna call the police." He said walking out. I couldn't help but notice he was bleeding above his eyebrow...I wanted to cry...why did I want to cry?

2 hours later

I sat on the stairs with a pair of sweats on feeling really weak. I watched as the police leave with that sick guy. I still wanted to cry but my eyes were too tired. Great start...

"You ok?" Justin asked as he sat next to me. I looked down and pushed my hair back.

"I will be I guess...I think I would be in way worst shape had you not been there."


"Thank you...for saving me." I said. Justin sighed.

"No problem...it was nothing."

"Not judging from your eye..." I said feeling bad.

"This will heal in no time." He laughed it off, but I just looked away. He touched my shoulder lightly.

"Hey...it wasn't your fault."

"I still feel bad..." I said feeling tears coming for some reason. He pulled me into his embrace and I accepted it. I felt safe around him now...

"It's ok."

"That bastard had the nerve to cook..." I whispered connecting the hot dogs and the mustard stain.


"He made that mess..." I informed Justin.

"So you owe me an apology." He said laughing again. I looked up at him and shook my head with a smirk on my face.

"Umm...I don't think so." I said looking away so he wouldn't see my smile.

"Umm yeah you do." He turned me around and I pressed my lips together trying to hold in my laugh. I shook my head and he smiled his million dollor smile.

"You know exactly what I'm taking about." He said. I removed his hand from my arm.

"I have no idea...what you talkin---" I started laughing. I couldn't help it. I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Soooo..." He said leaning on the door way.

"So what?" I said opening the fridge then closing it back quickly remembering earlier.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just realize there's nothing to eat. I'm going to take a nap, my head hurts." I lied. I rushed to the door way but Justin stopped me.


"Ok sorry I'm sorry ok, let me go." I yelled. Justin frowned in concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked again. I pushed him...but he didn't budge.

"I said nothing! Let me go..." I said coldly. Justin moved out my way and I rushed upstairs to my room, but flashback started to come back. I tried to open my moms room, but it was locked. I kicked it with tears in my eyes.

"Damn!!" I screamed. I slid down the door and burried my face in my knees. I started to doze off.

Justin's POV

I looked around the kitchen and wondered what the heck set off Ali. It was weird how she slammed the fridge. I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong.

I went upstairs and looked for her in her room, but she wasn't there. I went to the bathroom and started to knock on the door, but I looked to the side of me and saw her sitting in front of her mom's room. I tapped her, but she didn't budge...she was sleep. I picked her up princess style and walked toward her room.

"No...no, don't make me sleep in here." She whined once I stepped in her room.

"Why not?"

"I can't, Justin. Please..." She covered her face in my white beater. (A/N I hate saying wife beater...so leave me alone.) I heard her crying a little. I held her closer thinking about the horrible morning she had. I sighed and took her to my room and laid her in my bed. I don't sleep in it anyway. I put the covers on her and kneeled to her level.

"I'm sorry..." She said quietly.

"It's fine. Just get some rest." I told her wiping her tears away. She closed her eyes slowly and I sat at my desk and watched her sleep. Once I realize it was creepy I turned around and surfed the Internet.

2 in a half hours later

I jumped awake and realized I fell asleep on the computer. I covered my face and took a deep breath.

"You finally awake?" I heard Alicia say as she crunched on something. I turned around and saw her scrunched up in my covers eating dry cereal out of a bowl.

"We don't have any eggs or whatever?" I asked.

"I wanted cereal."

"We don't have milk?"

"I don't know...I didn't check." She said shrugging. I lifted my eyebrows wondering why she all of a sudden hated the fridge. Maybe it had something to do with that sick guy that was trying to rape her...so I let it go.

"Comfortable?" I asked getting up.

"Yeah...I am. Your bed is so soft. I don't know why you don't ever sleep in it."

"How do you know I don't sleep in it?"

"You've been here long enough to dent it...and you're bigger than my brother. I can feel his dent but not yours." She said as she rubbed the bed.

"I don't sleep...I can't." I confessed.

"Something happened to you...at least that what my mom said." She said looking at me as if she wanted me to say.

"Yeah...it stays on my mind all the time."

"All the more reason why you should be able to talk about it." She said setting down the bowl on the night stand. She moved up to the edge getting closer.

"Yeah...but I don't want to, ok?" I said in a raised voice. Alicia back up and lifted her eyebrows making me feel bad.

"I gotta go get ready for class." She said getting off the bed.

"Alicia...wait Alicia..."

"Yeah..." She said turning back around.

"I'm sorry..." I said feeling bad for yelling at her.

"It's...it's Ali." She said. She walked away and went in her room. Then I heard her rush back in as I turned to the computer.

"You ok?" I said.

"I just realized I don't have class." She laughed nervously. She climbed back on the bed and looked by the doorway.

"You know...Ali...he's not coming back. They arrested him this morning."

"What are you saying?" She snapped.

"I'm saying...just...never mind." I said. I saw her eyes start to water.

"I don't know what's wrong with me..." She said crying. I frowned in concern and rolled toward her in my chair. I lifted up her head by her chin and looked into her watery eyes. It was like she was scared to death...

"Nothing I can see.." I whispered to make her feel better.

She gave me a sweet smile and wrapped her arms around me. She held me like I was the only thing keeping her alive. I held her hesitantly at first, but then closer with more assurance.

I let her tears wet my shirt until she was done. Then we let go and she got up and took a shower. I looked at the time...1:30.

I went in my bathroom and took a quick shower. I threw on a dress shirt and slacks with a nice tie. I rushed out the house for an interview I had for small advertising company.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A pretty woman asked me.

"I was scheduled to meet a Jacob here for an interview."

"What time?"

"2...uhh right now actually." I said looking at my watch. She looked down as if she had a secret.

"I'm sorry, but he's not in today. I'll have him call you to reschedule if that's ok." She said.

"Well what's wrong with today?" I said.

"He's in France right now...maybe he forgot about your appointment." She shrugged knowing that wasn't the case.

"Umm...ok fine." I said shaking my head as I walked out. I loosen my tie and went back to the house.

I went in my room, changed into a t-shirt and some basketball shorts and sat in my chair looking out the window as it started to rain.

I saw Ali run out the to the backyard with her camera with her two friends. One of her friends started twirling her skirt as Ali took pictures. Then her other friend...a guy...started dancing with the girl having a ball. I smiled at the way they posed in front of The camera. I moved away from the window and shook my head.

"Justin! Justin..." Ali called me. She burst in my room with her dripping clothes and smiled.

"What is going on?" I laughed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair.

"Came take pictures with me!" She said excited. "It's for my project in school." She said as she took me downstairs.

"I'm not getting all wet." I stopped before we got from under the patio cover.

"Don't be such a pussy, J." She said pulling my arm but I didn't move. Her friends smiled at me. The girl whispered something in the guys ear and he giggled like a little school girl.

"So you're nick naming me now?"

"Do this for me...it's for school." She said giving me a puppy dog look. She grabbed my hand again and pulled me into the hard rain.

"Hi I'm Lin and this is Jason." The girl sad shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said awkwardly.

"Nice to meet yo fine ass too.." Jason said. I laughed as I tried hard to see with the rain in my way. He was gay...that's not why I was laughing...

"Dance!" Ali shouted and her friends did as they were told as I stood there.

"Hey can some one get the big tall pole out my way." She shouted talking about me.

"Dance!! Dance!!" Lin said to me.

"How do I dance with no music?" I yelled looking at Ali. She walked up to Lin and gave her the camera.

"Just dance, J."

"So I'm guessing that's was a yes on the nick name thing?" I said as she grabbed both my hands.

"Yeah...now follow my lead. Dancing doesn't have to make since to anybody but you." She said as she made me twirl her around. Jason ran to the patio, put his iPod on a dock and played "Can't Hold Us." By Macklemore.

"Now you have no excuse." Ali said moving to the beat. I started dancing with her and once I got into it, Lin became my new dance partner as Ali took pictures. It was pretty fun...

We stayed out until it got dark. Lin and Jason went home.

"Hey, J." Ali said knocking on my open door.

"Yes, Ali?" I said right after putting on a dry shirt.

"I really had fun tonight...thanks for being my model." She said smiling.

"No problem..."

"You wanna help me pick out pictures?" She said with her tablet.

"Umm...sure I'm not doing anything."

"Cool...I'm gonna order Chinese."

"Ok..." I said as she called them on her phone. She sat on the bed and waved for me to sit next to her. I sat down slowly and grabbed her tablet to look through her pictures.

"I like that one." She said pointing to a picture of me standing in the middle of the dancing.

"I looked so lost..." I said shaking my head as we laughed.

"That's the point. It tells a story...that's the whole point of photojournalism."

As we picked the pictures we laughed and talked too. Once the food came we ate. We stayed up till 2 o clock...she went to her room and went to bed. I laid in the bed for the first time in a long time. I started to doze off...finally getting some real sleep. An hour later...

"Justin...Justin please wake up." Ali said in a shaky voice. I opened my eyes only to find her wiping tears away.

"What's wrong?" As I sat up a little.

"I can't sleep in there I keep thinking about---" she covered her face. I opened the covers so she can get in.

"I can just sleep in your roo---"

"No, I need you to...hold me. I'll feel safer." She said as she stopped me. I rubbed my eyes and laid back down. She laid and looked at me. I wiped her tears so she could calm down.

"He's not coming back..." I whispered to her as I brushed her hair off her face.

"I know...I just can't sleep in there. I don't know why I mean it's not like I was raped really..." She said started to cry again.

"Shh...it's ok. He still assaulted you. Nothing is wrong with you." I said rubbing her arm. She got closer to me making me think she was gonna kiss me or something, but she turned around and wrapped my arm around herself. I held her tight so she would feel safe like she wanted. I thought about how close she got and a part of me wanted her to kiss me...

{oh snap the sexual tension has begun! Be warned that after this chapter they'll be mature content...so be prepared for that. Anyway Lost Childhood is next~~LadyJDomoniqu}

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