Should Have Never...

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Chapter 18:


Justin's POV

I woke up and looked to my side and saw that it hadn't been touched. I sighed knowing she was in the other room. She sacrificed her nights sleep for a month all because of that night. I sighed knowing I screwed up...big time.

I got up slowly and walked toward Austin's room. He wasn't in there and she wasn't. They were in the living room. Ali was helping him sit up. She stopped smiling at Austin when she saw me. I opened my mouth to say good morning, but I reconsidered.

I went in the kitchen and made coffee. It was so awkward not talking to her. I was so use to joking with her about the coffee or playing with Austin...but I screwed up. I know that...

I felt her presence when she walked in the kitchen with Austin, but I didn't look at her.

"Excuse me..." She said in an annoyed voice. I snapped back to reality and hadn't realize that I was standing in front of the refrigerator. I moved out the way quickly and faced the sink. I heard her grab a bottle of breast milk for Austin and walk out.

I poured the coffee in a take out cup and went to the bathroom. I took a long shower and got dressed in my work clothes. I looked in Austin's room only to find him in his crib.

"Hey, buddy...daddy is gonna be back in a few hours." I said to him giving him a kiss on his forehead. Austin started making gurgling sounds and smiling. "Bye, little man." I said kissing him again. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed my coffee which was still hot. I saw Ali sitting at the table.

"Umm...I'll see you later." I said awkwardly. She shook her head and got up. She looked at me straight with fire in her eyes.

"Bye..." She said with a 'good riddance' attitude. She walked past me, out shoulders brushing pass slightly rough. I hung my head down feeling my eyes getting watery. I took a deep breath...I was such a sensitive man. It was hurting me that she was so pissed off at me. I wanted to cry like a little punk when it was all my fault in the first place. But we can't...we can't be together. It wouldn't be right...

Ali's POV

Jack ass...

He was driving my heart crazy. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to move out. I had to take Austin and get the fuck out of here. I couldn't pretend anymore. If we can't be together then that's it. I was tired of putting my heart on the line if he was just gonna throw it away.

I had to stay away from him...

He can see he son, of course, but I had to move out. I threw my stuff in my bag as if I didn't have all the time in the world. It was hurting my heart so bad that I held my chest. I slowed down and felt my eyes water. I shook my head telling them to stay.

I walked in Austin's room and picked him up. I looked into my son's eyes and sat in my rocking chair. I held him close and started crying softly and I rocked back and forth.

I heard a knock on the door snapping me out of my pity party. I slowly walked toward the door.

"Who is it?" I said in a shaking voice as I wiped my eyes.

"Lin and Jason." Lin said. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I walked away before she could say anything.

"Are you sure about this, honey?" Jason said as he grabbed my bags.

"If I stay here, I'll go crazy." I said pushing my hair back. I tried to pretend that Lin and Jason didn't look at each other with disbelief. They just helped me move my stuff.

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