Love Or Lust?

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>>>Mature Content...don't say I didn't warn ya. Don't complain...this story is rated-R for a reason<<<

Chapter 8:

Justin's POV

One week later

It's been a week since me and Ali have sort of been together...we've have to keep it a secret from her mom. It kind kills me to go behind her back, but if she ever found out...well lets just say me or Ali wouldn't be on this earth anymore.

"Hey, Justin can you take a look at this for me?" Jacob said handing me the layout for the new cereal account.

"You want me to take a look at this?" I said confused. "I just started a week ago."

"I know. You did good work in New Jersey and you've been doing great here so far." He gave me the board. "I want your opinion." He said. I shrugged and looked over it carefully.

"This is cereal for kids?" I said looking at the mascot.

"Yeah? So?"

"Well first of all...this guy looks like a child molester. I mean he's got the mustache, the boxers, the open plaid shirt and the cowboy boots. It looks like he's gonna pop out of the cereal and say 'follow me little Johnny...I've got candy'." I said. Jacob looked at it and frowned.

"Tell me how you really feel, Justin." He said joking. He took it from me and sighed. "'re right. I gotta scrap it." He said shaking his head.

"'s really scary." I joked.

"Ok...I'll get Daniel. I want you two working on this."

"Cool...wait, Jacob." I said before he walked away. "I saw a sign on Amanda's desk saying they need new photographers."

"Yeah...know anyone?"

"Umm...yeah. She's a college student, but she's amazing." I said thinking about Ali.

"You tell her, if he wants this, bring her portfolio and be in my office tomorrow at 2pm." Jacob said walking away.

"Ok...I will." I said smiling. I got back to work. I got off at like 5 and went home. I picked up dinner for Ali and her mom knowing her mom would be tried from work.

"Hello?" I sung as at the bottom of the stairs after putting the food on the table.

"Hey catch me." Ali said ready to jump. I nodded and held my arms out. She jumped and I caught her princess style. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey, beautiful." I said. She smiled and gave me a kiss. I put her down.

"How was work?" She asked as she sashayed into the kitchen. I followed her.

"It was...ight. Guess what?"

"What?" She looked in the bags.

"I kinda got you a job."

"What do you mean?" She said taking a fry out of the bag.

"They need a photographer down there so---"

"No you didn't...Justin." She said frowning.

"What? I thought you'd be happy."


"Well for starters you get to work with me and you won't have to be here at home by yourself."

"Yeah but what about my mom? What is she gonna say?"

"She'll think it's great too." I said smiling.

"She'll get suspicious."

"No she won't...come on just go to the interview tomorrow. See how it goes..." I begged. She took out her food and sighed.

"Fine..." She said. I smiled and grabbed her waist from the back and kissed her on her neck.

"You might like it..." I said. She turned around with narrowed eyes.

"And if I don't?" She said chewing on a fry.

"You will...I can see the way your eyes sparkle when you take pictures." I said tapping her nose making her laugh.

"What time?"

"2pm...see that way your mom really won't notice." I said. She nodded.

"Thank you...I guess." She said smiling. "Na move...let me eat."

"Oh can't kiss a burger." I said frowning. She laughed and kissed it anyway.

"I think I can..." She said walking away.

"Smart ass..." I said shaking my head. I grabbed my burger and fried and went upstairs.

"Look what I did." Ali said like a little kid as I walked in my room.

"What is this?" I said tilting my head at the drawing.

"It's abstract."

"Ummm...hell yeah it is." I said squinting my eyes. She pushed me playfully.

" I can't draw. But I get so bored I'm willing to try anything."

"Anything?" I said all too excited...even for me. She threw a fry at me and I opened my mouth. I surprisingly caught it in my mouth.

"Urgh...I hate you!" She yelled.

"What you forgot I was sweet like that?"

"Stop you sound like an old man trinna use slang."

"I was around when that was invented, little girl." I said. She calls me old to irritated me and I call her little girl. That's just how we do...

"Don't call me that! I'm 23!"

"Stop calling me an old man...I'm only 34."

"That's old..." She said rolling her eyes. I put my food down and went toward her on the bed. I was so close to her knowing it still made her weak.

"Who's old?" I asked in that voice she can't resist.

"You are." She said still strong. I got closer.

"Who's old?" I asked again.

"You are...Justin Harris." She said.

"Oh so you got bold today." I said making her laugh a little I got closer. "Who's old?"

"You---" I stopped her with a kiss. I held her body tight so she wouldn't let go. I heard her moan a little and I smile inside. Her moans are so cute. I pulled back and looked in her eyes. "---are." She whispered.

"Stubborn ass." I said getting made cause my effects didn't work this time.

"Whatever grandpa..."

"You do realize that's not saying much for you."

"It's wouldn't be saying much for you too." She said with an attitude. She folded her arms...that damn pouting again.

"What I say about that?" I said like a parent.

"You ain't my daddy."

"That's not what you said last night." I said smirking. She opened her mouth in shock and pushed me off the bed.

"Oww...girl you know I'm too old for that." I said getting up holding my back jokingly.

"Oh shut you wanna act your age." She said tilting her head. She laughed as I gave her that old man 'alright na' look.

Next Day

"What time is it?" I asked Daniel.

"Oh umm...1:53." He said looking at his watch.

"Ok...I'll be back." I said getting up and walking toward the entrance to see if Ali was there.

"Hey...where am I suppose to go?" Ali asked walking in. I just grabbed her hand.

"Come on." I rushed.

"Ok ok...wait. How do I look?" She said stopping. I looked back and scanned her outfit.

"Yep..." I said walking.

"What do you mean yep?" She said following me.

" yep yep." I said. "Ok his office is right there. I gotta get back to work. I'll talk to you later to see how it went. Good luck, bae." I said kissing her quick on her lips.

Ali's POV

That was weird...

I took a deep breath and opened the door to the man's office.

"Umm hi...I'm Alicia Simmons. I'm here about the photography job." I said to the man typing on his computer.

"Oh yes...sit down. You're the girl Justin has been talking about."

"Yes and you must be Jacob."

"Why yes I am. you have your portfolio?"

"Oh" I gave him a much more mature and slim portfolio of my recent pictures. My big scrapbooking notebook is for fun...this was for business.

"Wow...Justin wasn't lying. These are spectacular."

"Thank you, sir." I said in my professional voice.

"So I understand that you are still in school."

"Umm...yes. I'm going into my last year after summer."

"Well what we can do is hire you for the summer and if all goes well, we can actually hire you full time if you want." Jacob said.

"Wait...are you serious? Really?!" I asked smiling getting out of my professional zone.

"Yeah. If you can start tomorrow?"

"Yeah! I can."

" here at 10am."

"Ok...thank you, Jacob."

"Oh and another thing..." I stopped and turned back to him. "How do you know Justin?"

"Oh...we're just...friends." I lied. By the look on Jacob's face not very good either.

"Well if its more than that, keep yourself professional here...if you know what I mean." Jacob warned.

"Got PDA's." I said nodding. I walked out and went back home. I treated myself to a bowl of ice cream and a lazy day since this was my last day to laze around. I took a nap.

" did it go?" I heard Justin's voice. I opened my eyes a little only to find him right there.

"Oh my God what time is it?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Almost 6. I just got home."

"You came late?" I said sitting up

"Yeah...a little bit." He said sitting next to me. I held him as I laid on his shoulder. "So how did it go?"

"He really like my pictures. He wants me to start tomorrow at 10."

"Really? That's good."

"Yeah and he was all like, if there's anything going on with you and Justin, don't show it."

" PDA's." He said like he was disappointed.

" we have to just act like friend or whatever." I said.

"Ok...I can do that." He said. I shook my head not convinced.

"Yeah right." I said.

"We do it around your mom." He said shrugging. I elbowed him and got up.

"Did you bring food?" I said going downstairs.

"Is that all I'm good for?"

"Well no, but we'll get to that later." I said in a seductive voice. Justin smiled big and wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh my god...stop you look like a dirty old man." I said. Justin grabbed me from behind and lifted me over his shoulder.

"What did I tell you about calling me old?"

"Ok ok...I'm sorry." I said laughing. He put me down and kissed me.

"You gon learn little girl."

"Stop calling me that! I'm a grown ass woman." I said pushing him as if it was gonna move his tall muscular ass.

"The fact that you get mad shows how young you are."

"You get mad when I call you an old man."

"No I don't." He lied as he folded his arms.

"Oh really..." I said walking up to him. "So how was work today, grandpa?" I said patting his chest.

"It was was fine." He said trying to stay strong.

"You sure...did you get your work done on time? You know no one would blame you do to your condition."

"What condition?"

" gotta take it easy at your age. You might have a heart attack. You need to sit down you look---" I bust out laughing and running since he was running after me.

"I'm not old!" He yelled as he chased me up the stairs.

"Sure you can keep up, ol' timer?" I said running back downstairs. Once I hit the bottom he grabbed me and started tickling me.

"I'm not old...take it back." He said laughing along with me.

"Ok...ok. I'm sorry." I said in laughter.

"What's going on?" We both heard Cameron's voice and we looked up only to find him standing at the door. I slipped Justin's hands off me and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What umm...what are you doing here?" I said nervously.

"Mom wanted me to get something...some papers for her job." He said closing the door. He looked at Justin and narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"We were just umm---"

"I wasn't really talking to you." Cameron said cutting Justin off.

"We were just talking." I said folding my arms.

"Bullshit. He was tickling you."

"So what?"

"So you two were doing more than talking. I'm not buying that."

"Cameron, just get what mom want you to get and leave." I said walking toward the kitchen.

"Does mom know how you two talk?" Cameron said following me.

"Shut up." I whispered once we got in the kitchen.

"Why so your boyfriend can't hear?"

"Cameron, shut up...."

"Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?"

"What are you talking about?"

"He's 34, he's way older that you."

"Eleven years?"

"Yes that's a lot. You have to stop this."

"I don't have to do anything."

"Ok tell mom."

"You know what would happen if I told her? She's just like you. Alicia you can't be with him. Alicia it's a bad idea." I said making fun of them.

"Alicia stop fucking the house guest." He said making me shaking my head.

"Cameron stop being an asshole." I said.

"You know you wouldn't even be with him if this wasn't wrong."

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean you are attracted to trouble. You know he's too old and it's wrong to be with him while he's living here, that's the only reason you're doing this."

"Oh my God...I'm not a teenager anymore. Those days are over." I said.

"Then stop this at once."

"Don't you think that maybe I'm with him because I care about him...a lot. Not ever girl you know is a hoe."

"Which is more than I can say for you?"

"Still think I'm a slut? I haven't been with anybody but him."

"Yeah right. All the boyfriends you had, you're telling me that you, Alicia Shay Simmons, hasn't had sex with any of them."

"I didn't have a lot of boyfriends and despite the way you think, I wasn't some slut or anything. Show how much you think of your sister. You're an awesome big brother." I said walking away. He stopped me and pulled me close.

"I'm just trying to protect you."

"Calling you're sister a slut is protecting her? deserve an award." I said snatching away. He grabbed whatever papers he needed and left. I went up to Justin and hugged him tight.

"Are you ok?"

"I will be." I said pulling him upstairs.

"What about food?" He said smirking.

"What about it? I'm not that kind of hungry." I said opening his door. I sat him on the bed and smiled. I started kissing him softly with my hand on his chin. I backed away and took of my shirt throwing it at him. He caught it and smiled knowing what I was doing.

I slipped off my shorts slowly showing him the rest of my underwear set. A lace bra and thong combo. I walked up to him and held his head as he kissed below my belly button. He held my waist as he teased me with kisses right above my panty line.

I pushed him a little for it and he looked up smiling. His fingers slid down the sides slowly and he took them off. His fingers rubbed me softly making me wet. They started to move in and out making me moan softly. I opened my legs for more and he move faster. He stopped after a few minutes and licked his fingers.

I took off his shirt and stared kissing him as he took off his pants and boxers. I laid him down and entered his hard in me. I started riding him as we kissed deeply. I moaned inside our kisses and he held me tightly. I started riding faster as I held his hands moaning loudly.

After an hour I felt a tingly orgasm that nearly took over my body. I rode until he climax a few minutes later. I got off and laid right next to him all out of breath.

"Damn..." He said smiling. He pulled me in his embrace. I laughed as I laid on his chest.

"Justin..." I said in a soft tone. I got very serious when I looked up into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He said in a worried tone as he rubbed my hair for comfort. I sighed as I felt his warm heart beat against my chest.

"I'm...I'm falling in love with you." I confess in almost a whisper. He looked right into my eyes as if he was making sure I was telling the truth. Then he smirked and caressed my cheek.

"I'm falling for you too." He whispered. He held me even tighter than before and kissed me softly on the forehead.

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