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Chapter 19:


"We would love to have you back, Ali. Congratulations by the way. On your graduation of course." Frank said.

"Umm...I don't know if I can---"

"He's leaving next month...you won't be running into him while you're here." Frank assured me. It's crazy how everyone at the office knew about me and Justin even though we never showed it around the office.

"Umm...yeah. I guess I'll start after." I said biting my lips. Austin started babbling, which mean he was up playing with something in his crib. I hung up and went in to see. He turned his head and smiled.

"Ba ba ba." He said as he holds his teddy bear.

"Hey, little man. You up already?" I said picking him up out his crib. He responded with a 'ba' and a cute little smile. "Let see are you dry?" I said putting him on the changing table. I check his diaper and it was all clear. "Oh I see...you must be hungry." I said tickling his feet making him laugh and kick them around. I picked him up and went to the living room . I already had his bottle. I held it up to his mouth and he automatically wrapped his arms around it. I stopped holding it just to see and he was holding it by his self.

"Oh my god...look at you! Look at my big boy." I said excited. Lin started to walk in. "Lin get my camera!" I said making her frown, but turn to get it anyway. She came quickly and I took pictures of him holding his bottle for the first time.

"You are such a mom..." Lin said laughing.

"Good." I said smiling. I notice Austin started chewing on the nipple of the bottle. "Lin, do you think he's teething already? He's been doing that since yesterday." I said taking the picture.

"That's what it looks like. Time to open up the teething rings." She said clapping. I took the bottle away from Austin and he started chewing on his hands.

"Yep...I'm gonna open it now." I said grabbing Austin's diaper bag. I took out one of the teething rings and opened it. I rinsed it off and gave it to him. He started waving it around at first, but the he put it in his mouth and started chewing on it.

"That is too adorable." Lin said smiling. I took a picture of him...starting a book of "My First..." It's gonna have all his first things as a baby...besides first word. That's gonna be on video if I catch it.

"Baba..." Austin said as he kicked up and down with his legs.

"Have you talked to Jus---"

"No I haven't, stop asking." I said cutting Lin off.

"Well you need to before he runs off to New York without you."

"He was leaving anyway, Lin. Besides he wasn't trinna take me, he said we were a mistake."

"He didn't mean that. I see the way he looks at you." Lin said making me look at her confused. "Yeah...Stevie Wonder can see he is crazy about you. He's just scared..."

"Of what? I'm not gonna bite him." I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't know...society maybe. It's frowned upon for a younger woman to be with an older man. He look like a dirty old man and you'll look like a young golddiggin' slut."

"I don't care..." I said picking up Austin. "It's over. I'm just trying to get through this." I said shrugging like it was no big deal...even though it was a very big deal.

Next day

"Cameron is coming for dinner too." Momma said right after I walk in with Austin in my arms.

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