Not That I Don't Want To, But...

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Chapter 4:

Ali's POV

I woke up only to find his beautiful face in front of me. He was sleep like a little baby. We went to sleep not facing each other, but I'm a wild sleeper. I touched his hair softly and he opened his eyes slowly.

"Hey, sleepy J." I whispered. He smiled with his eyes half way open.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"I don't know...I just woke up too." I shrugged. He turned around and laid flat so he could see the clock.

"It's 8 in the morning...what the heck." He said.


"It's too early..." He complained jokingly.

"Come on, get up." I said jumping on the bed."

"Alright, you know what they say about monkeys jumping on the bed." He said sitting up. I fell to my knees and started laughing.

I push him down, but he had my arms, so I went down with him. We laughed until we realize I was on top of him. We stared at each other for a while until I shook my head so I would find myself out of his beautiful eyes. I got off and went toward the door.

"I gotta go take a shower...thanks for letting me you know---"

" problem." He said smiling as he sat up again. I walked out and hurried to get my clothes out of my room.

I went to the bathroom, washed up quickly, brushed my teeth and washed my face and changed into my clothes. When I was down I went down stairs and fix a dry bowl of cereal like god I could barely walk pass the fridge. All it did was bring me back to that night. I guess I was so afraid because I've never did it before and that almost was my first time. It sent shivers down my spine...yeah I know what you're thinking rebel girl Ali has never had sex before? Well...I figure something as precious should be share by "the one"...and I haven't found him yet.

"Again with the dry cereal..." Justin said walking in. He opened the fridge, got out the milk and slid it toward me. I shook my head, but poured it in my cereal.

"Umm...can you---" He cut me off by taking the milk out my hand and putting it in the fridge. "Thanks." I said walking away.

"You gotta opening it some day." He shouted. I just went upstairs knowing he was right...

After 2 hours of us in our separate ways, I finally went in his room only to find him at his computer.

"What are you doing?" I said standing at the doorway.

"Looking for a job..." He said shaking his head.

"Where did you use to work?"

"An advertising company in New Jersey."

"What happened?"

" ask a lot of questions." He said laughing.

"I just want to know more about you since you are living here."

"We can save that story for later. Just know that it wasn't my fault." He said.

"How would I know that?"

"Just trust me."

"How can I trust you?"

"That's up to you, really." He said shrugging. I smiled and walked back in my room. I'll find out later...

Next day

"What are we doing today?" Jason whined. I've been using them as my models for my final.

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