The Ring

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Epilogue Part 2

2 weeks later

I woke up and looked at my side. Justin was laying there knocked out which means I was up pretty early.

I still haven't talked to him since that night we stopped. And we haven't had sex since either. He must have no idea what's really going on in my head...I barely know what's going on.

All I knew is that I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't keep living here with him without a ring. Cause he can walk out anytime he wants. He could leave and never come back even if he had a son...I knew he wouldn't just leave his son, but a part if me is worried he will.

I was afraid to tell him what I was about to do. I was about to pack my bags this coming night and take Austin with me. I was gonna leave him until he was ready. Maybe he wasn't ready...

I got up and went to the closet and stared at the already packed bag. I kneeled down and started to cry. Was I really gonna leave without him knowing? I had to at least tell him.


Justin POV

"Hello...I'm home." I said as I closed the door. "Ali, are you---" I stopped when I turned around. I frown as I dropped my bag on the floor.

"Hey." She said casually as if she wasn't sitting there with two bags by her. One for her and one for Austin.

"What's going on?" I said trying not to thing the worst. She carefully got up because Austin was sleeping on her lap.

"We can talk in the room." She said walking toward it. I looked at Austin who was laying on the couch and sighed. I walked in before her and she closed the door.

"Now are you gonna tell me why you have bags packed?" I said looking straight at her.

"Justin...I'm not happy anymore. I haven't been for weeks. Maybe more I don't know but---"

"Wait..." I brushed my hair back and shook my head in disbelief. "Why didn't you tell me before you---"

"I think we just need a little time apart. Just a little bit until I can figure out why I feel this way."

"No, that sounds like bullshit...." I said in a pissed off tone.

"Please don't make this hard, Justin."

"I'm making it hard. Your goddamn bags are packed and you're saying I'm making it hard." I said looking down.


"No! I don't understand. I want you to tell me what's going on, Ali." I said getting closer to her. "What did I do? Are you mad at me?" I said trying to look in her eyes for the answer, but she kept her head down.

" I'm not mad at you." She said shaking her head. I put my hands around her waist and put her chin up so she could look at me.

"Then what is it?" I whispered desperate for an answer. Her eyes were watery when I looked her in the eyes.

"I can't keep doing this, Justin."

"Can't keep doing what?"

"Living here with you. I can't keep playing house." Ali said moving my hands off her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you see anything right here?" She put up her left hand.

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