Chapter 19: Coffeeholics

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Chapter 19: Coffeeholics

Luna leaned over. “She’s the mother?” she whispered in a confused manner.

Isabelle nodded not caring more than ever. The bright red foam seat with leather covers grew uncomfortable on Isabelle’s back as the springs managed to annoy the small part of her back. Without another word, she stood up and asked Luna to move over so she’d be more comfortable than before.

“But she so young,” Luna said and followed Tin-tin’s shadow as she tended to more customers with hot coffee in a pitcher. The restaurant started buzzing as the lunch hour started, with more customers going inside the more frantic and yet calm Tin-tin appeared.

“You’ll be surprise of what she can do with her body,” Isabelle said.

“Rea-“Luna was about to say a word when another waitress older by at least five years than Tin-tin interrupted them with fries on a platter.

“Your dad sent you this,” the brunette haired waitress said and left. Isabelle found her dad looking at them and gave Isabelle a wave. The smell of fresh fries from the fryer danced around her nostrils and tempted Isabelle to eat.

“Want one?” Isabelle offered as the salted covered fries made its way to the ketchup bowl and into Isabelle’s mouth. The fries were hot, smoking with aroma of baked potato. Luna took one bite and was utterly thrilled to taste her first fries in years, mostly it was fish and vegetables that they ate back at the cabin even though Ethan worked in a fast food restaurant before.

“When did she get pregnant like eleven years old or did Jenevere picked a baby?” Luna questioned as more of the fries was eaten leaving the oil soaked paper on the plate.

Isabelle sighed as not feeling to answer the question. “I don’t know, go ask her.” She said.

Luna fell silent and tried to change the topic. “Speaking of which, how come I have never seen the host of Jenevere?” Luna asked. Isabelle looked down and smiled.

Isabelle looked at Luna and leaned over. “I don’t know, don’t ask me.” She said and leaned back once again.

Luna grew weary of all the unanswered questions she’d been asking, Isabelle may never budged, she’s one ignorant lady who didn’t seem to care.

Orders finally arrived; two iced tea served cold with a perky small umbrella on top, onion rings that looked like they swam in oil for a whole day as they dripped and sizzle, and finally some medium rare pork loin that was pan fried to golden brown perfection, topped with gooey milkshroom gravy garnished with cilantro. The smell of it made Luna realize how hungry she was, she dug in with the pork loin first, slicing it into small finger size bits so it didn’t spoil her appetite.

At the middle of their lunch, Tin-tin came interrupting. “Isabelle, can I borrow some nail polish, if you have purple that will be great,” she asked with a smile.

Isabelle brought down her fork and knife with a sarcastic frown and rumbled on her purse, she took out her wallet, a bundle of fake ID’s wrapped in rubber band, a handy Swiss knife, a knife, some cologne, lipstick, a mirror and finally a purple nail polish half used. “Better return it.” She said and returned all of her belongings into her tiny purse.

“Okay,” she turned around with the nail polish on her hand then turned back to them again as if forgetting something, “feel free to take the Vespa, I might be gone for a few days. I’ve met some people.” Tin-tin pointed with her finger two teenagers who looked as if they were hiding from someone with their sunglasses and head tilted downwards. One was a guy with caramel skin and a military cut hair do while a girl or a another boy with extremely long brunette hair facing away from them.

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