Aaron chapter 11 tears in the snow

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Chapter 11 tears in the snow

Mallows POV

As I turned for the sound, positive to know who it actually was, a large hand circled around my neck and my back was pushed against something hard and warm, the difference in our temperatures burned the skin where he was touching me.

"I hate people who can't keep promises."

Maybe it was because of the cold, or because the day had been hard and tiring, but even while looking at him and feeling his strong hand around my neck, I didn't feel scared.

Truthfully said, I felt empty.

"Ah, me too." I replied calmly. It was the truth people who couldn't hold their words, were truly annoying.

Aarons eyes narrowed, glowing golden like those of a wild animal at night.

"Don't you realize the trouble you are in?" he asked sternly, the hand around my neck constricting slightly, while his other hand was flat against my stomach constricting my movement completely.

"Yes." was my simple answer, my voice not wavering a bit.

He gave a sharp laugh, before throwing me to the snowy floor with a twist of his hand.

It was a strange sensation, but his body heat still flowed through my veins keeping me unusual warm.

"You don't want me want me to get angry now, girl" he warned with growl.

"Angry?" I repeated after him. Not bothering to get up I folded my cold hands in my lap.

"Wouldn't you have done the same?" I asked in a low voice.

"For the only family you have, wouldn't you have done the same in my stead?" I asked in a louder voice, finally looking up at him.

"In your stead, I would have followed the Alphas order to come home asap!" he boomed taking a menacing step towards me.

"That's not my home! She is not my Alpha! I am human, I don't have an Alpha!" I screamed back, tears already gathering in my eyes.

My home, didn't exist anymore!

In a swift movement I found myself pinned to floor.

"Don't you dare to raise your voice against me again." He warned while pressing my face a little harder into the snow.

"How can you live like this?" I shouted angrily, trying to look him in the eyes.

"I don't understand this. How can something so precious, be treated so carelessly? Can you bring them back? Can you replace people? It doesn't matter how strong you are, how much of a monster, there are things you can't change, there are things even god can't do! Yet, you, you would choose to let people die because someone ordered you to?" I cried pitifully my tears freezing my face even more than the snow.

"This is wrong. Just wrong." It felt as if I couldn't breathe anymore, as I stopped my rant my hands holding my chest.

How can people be like this, weren't we all speaking the same language, didn't we bleed when hurt. Why can't the world be more gentle...

Aaron released me as I rolled into a ball, crying my heart out of all the injustice I had encountered.

"Just look after yourself, that would be okay, little witch." He stated after a minute or two.

I couldn't help but laugh through my sobbing.

"You must find this so funny. I can't even protect the one I love.  After spending my whole life studying how to preserve live, I can't even help her."

A fresh flood of tears stained my face. Where they were coming from was unknown to me too.

"How can I be so pathetic? What should do Aaron? Isn't there a way to save her?"

For sister Rose alone I would do anything. "Please, please help me." my voice broke at the end, I didn't know if he even understood what I was saying but he surprised me by lifting me to his lap, leaning my head against his chest, I continued to cry until I couldn't anymore.

Aarons POV

Damn that witch! Damn me!

Why would I even bother listening to her?

I sighed as I looked at her sobbing form.

Pathetic indeed.

Still, I pulled her off the ground, rubbing some warmth back into her cold body, as she cried into my chest.

That witch had a seemingly endless resort to tears.

She was right though.

I would have done same without thinking twice about it. Well, I was a man after all, there was nothing wrong with that.

Thought the rest was just simple minded gibberish, something only weak people would say or even think of. Ideals with which this world couldn't consist of.

"What should I do?" she asked again, cuddling her face deeper in my chest. Had I been human, she would be breaking a few ribs.

I frowned at myself. Why should I even care?

I watched as the sky became tinged in an ugly orange in the east, and made up my mind.

It would be the last time that I helped her and this was because she had earned some little respect from me. Facing wild animals so that she could help that nun, If she could become at least a loyal woman like that to me, she would be worthy.

I stood her up from my lap and spotted the tiny ointment recipient.

I bit into my palm and let some blood drop on the gooey ointment. I held on the recipient a little longer, before I turned to the girl. Confusion was written all over her face.

"Put this onto the wound. Don't give it to anyone else." I instructed before tossing it towards her.

I let myself plump down beside Alistair, he growled lowly, probably smelling the blood, but he was too tired to care now.

Damn it all! I had completely forgotten I would not be able turn back into a wolf for the next day. I had used my powers to much lately, my body needed a day of rest.

Damn, that witch! Damn my mother! Just fucking damn it all!

"I got some clothes ready just in case." Leon muttered handing me a bundle of clothing.

I sighed looking grateful at him, before ruffling up his hair. It was his fault that I had a weak spot for kids. And that smartass had probably known something like this would happen.

As I put on my clothes, Leon folded his neatly and turned into his wolf.

He snuggled up to me protecting me against the cold.

I watched the girl as she applied the spiked ointment on the old lady and slightly doubted my action. The old women would die anyway, I just prolonged the inevitable.

Thou who wields this unclouded heart,

I behold witness to thine honor.

Albeit I pity thy, without believes.

Thou who doesn't believe in god or life

Where is thy journey going to lead?

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