Aaron - a werewolfs pride ch1 - the little bride

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this story is in no way related to my other story!

Aaron: A Werewolf's Pride

My heart had turned to ice, ice cold and iron hard. My breath was uneven and my eyes set to one point in this grotesque and bloody scene. A pair of eyes, which were cut out right of the stormy heavens- had lost its shine. The scent of vampires, blood and burned flesh n' wood, lingered everywhere. I saw my comrades lying dead to my feet, some with agonizing faces others I was unable to recognize.

But I never stopped to take a better look around myself, the few others of us who were still alive, where watching my back, silently- even their hearts seemed to slow down, at this heartbreaking and still enraging scene. My entire clan, except for the seven of us, where whipped out, killed in various ways I didn't want to think of.

And there right in front of me, hung up on the timber of the burned house, was my love, the one and only, no heartbeat, cold, lifeless, dead.


Why you?


Chapter one: white lily - withering 

the little bride

Mellow's POV

"There is no way in hell, I'm getting her as my bride!" the man named Aaron screamed toward his mother and pack leader. His voice filled with hate was cold, it made goose bumps appear on my skin.

"You will do as I say, son!" she said in a much calmer tone, seated in front of him, her fingers intertwined in her lap, but her eyes gleamed with superiority.  

My heart beat was out of rhythm and there was no need to say, that I was scared, while I eyed my future husband from the side. He was beautiful with his well build body, black hair and golden eyes. But right now, he was frightening and no one I wanted to cross paths with. He could kill me before I would even notice it.

"Why do you so desperately want to hurt my reputation? She is a nothing!"  he shouted even louder.

He suddenly grabbed a handful of my almost silver hair, shoving me in front of him like some piece of meat.

"Watch your tongue! It was a deal I made long ago with her grandmother, I will keep my word." she retorted dryly, ignoring the fact that I was in pain.

"What promise are you talking about!? She is a nothing, an orphan! You have no need to keep that old promise, and don't believe I will do it for you!" he shouted back at her before throwing me roughly on the floor.

None of them cared about my existence in here. I had been told to bring some herbs to Lady Gandowolf, but then she asked her son Aaron and me to sit in her study.  

She wanted her son to marry me. The moment I heard it, I stopped breathing. Why would I want to marry him? He looked, like almost every male in here... like he wanted to kill me. I had been tricked into coming here.

Well I was unhappy enough about this, but I had no means of disobeying- so I stayed silent. But Aarons outburst was furious, shaking all over his body, he was- well let's say slightly desperate to call this arrangement off.

"You will marry her at the end of this week." lady Gandowolf was standing now, looking up at her son, her features were still calm, but her golden eyes were blazing with anger. The whole room had a tense atmosphere and it was hard for me to breath.

"No. I. Am. NOT." he replied emphasizing every word.

"Will you fight me over it?" she asked him daringly an eyebrow raised.

This was the part, where I should vanish, there was no need to be in a fight between two werewolves.  

Yes- werewolves.

I thought they were myths, large bear like creatures that turned into humans,- it sounded like the demons in the holy book but nothing I would really believe in.  

But today, I had seen one, it was a nice welcome- for theire customs.

I stood up, silently hushing towards the door. I had opened the door just an inch as he was suddenly behind me slamming it shut. I shrunk in myself, fighting the urge to gasp and run.

"You will stay here." he spoke directly over my head. I turned slowly taking my time to compose myself, to look up at him seconds later, not showing any emotions as he sighted, backing off and slumping down the arm chair opposite where his mother was seated.

"Don't you have anything to say, girl?" he asked me, his voice and look menacing, staring me down to the point I just wanted to curl up and die.

It took me another second to think of an answer, that would suit both, I really didn't want to be at anyones bad side. "No, if the sisters of my coven agreed upon this marriage, if Lady Gandowolf doesn't call it off for me, then I have to do as told."

He jumped up, graping for my neck and holding me up so high that our eyes were at the same level. I gasped for air, his hand around my neck was unbelievable strong and large. My heart beat went rapid, I couldn't breathe, and his very presence was ordering mine to vanish into thin air.

"Let her down." Lady Gandowolfs voice distant but demanding. 

"Why if I kill her now, there would be no need to hold onto some puny promises." he answered with a smile on his perfect face as I slowly lost consciousness. And then my head suddenly made contact with the wooden floor. Through my blurry vision I could see a frail figure holding onto a bigger one and then all went black and silent

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