Aaron chapter 7 holding onto the promise

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i just noticed, that Mellow from my story has a lot in common with Katrina, from sleepy hollow! 

you should definitely check this movie!

Chapter 7

"You are very unobservant." the mortar almost slipped out of my hands and my head snapped up to look at an annoyed Aaron. He had a scratch on his chest, but it was already healing. 

My hand flew mechanically up to his scratch, my other one reaching for a small flask with a healing potion.

But Aaron caught my hand midair, slapping it away. 

"Don't touch me." He sighed looking at my work. "Fix this." he barked his order throwing his linen smock in my face. 

I took out the necessary sewing utensils, while he sat down on a stool near the fire.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked when I was halfway done with the stitches. 

"Because you told me to." I avoided his actual question, which made him frown.

"Don't you know what they call you? Why bother working your hands till they bleed."

I looked at my hands, they were red, scratched up and rough, because I wasn't able to find suitable gloves, my hands had taken an ugly greenish color. 

But it didn't matter to me, hard work showed on one's body, and I didn't feel ashamed about it.

And I goddamn well knew what the villagers talked about me. 

"Do you see her- they say she's a witch!" "She burnt down her village!" "The devils child!"  

Everywhere I went, didn't matter where and how I got there, these rumors would follow me.  

The people were afraid of me because I was different, and because I was able to heal people who were about to die, but couldn't help others. It wasn't even my doing, I did what I learned out of books and the woods were rich with herbs, but it was easier for them to push everything onto me- the witch.

"I want to believe in people, that's why I want to help them." 

I looked up to him, his golden eyes on mine. "Would you refuse to help others, because you had nothing to gain?" To me it felt natural, we all feared the unknown, we all knew deep down, that God alone couldn't save us. People were saved by other people.

"Of course." he answered instantly, his voice hard.

A humorless laugh escaped me as I focused back on the tunic, I felt him stand behind me, his heat radiating at my back.  

"You will stop doing them, understood." my hands stopped working for a second as I took in the meaning of his words.

"Lady Gandowolf, your mother, promised me that I could continue my work." I answered as calm as I could. He trapped me between the table and his arms, bending down enough so he could speak in my ear.

"And you promised me, to follow my orders."

"You could as well ask of me to stop breathing! This is who I am." I turned to face him, tears welling in my eyes, but I forbade them to roll down.

"This is my heritage, my mother left behind, I'm not giving up on this." 

My voice was shaking, while he stared down on me, his face inches away from mine. 

He sighed again running his hand trough his raven black hair, looking at the bag with new herbs.

"You will finish this, and then," he stopped taking my chin in his right, as I closed my eyes to swallow once "You will never again fill even one flask. Got that?" 

"Yes." I knew I would resent myself after I was done, but for now it was better than nothing. He had found a tiny compromise, for this at least I was thankful.

"Aaron?" Alexandria, one of the whores who lived here called out for him in a sultry voice. I didn't understand, a maiden like here, giving herself away for no aparent reason.

"Won't we play a little?" she added with a slight giggle, while leaning on the door-frame.

He glanced at her and her to low neckline, before ripping his tunic out of my hands and throwing it at her. "After you are done." he retorted going up to his room. 

Alexandria pouted, giving me an ugly look before going after him, just like a good doggie.

I worked for 5 days straight in the kitchen, doing nothing but lotion, potions anesthetics and everything else I could. In the end there was no single herb left, I even had used Lady Gandowolfs ones, but she was okay with it, and the left rack in the kitchen was full with bottles and such. 

I had written down how to produce the important ones, for sister Rose use.

And after begging for three days straight Lady Gandowolf permitted me to bring these bottles myself to the church. 

I packed everything in my bag, where I had stuffed my books and the few empty jars and flasks that I owned, one flask after another, I carefully wrapped them in a few cloths so nothing would break, in the end I had to ask Leon to carry the bag to Aslan. Leon was brusque, but nice once you got used to him, even Aslan tolerated him.

I put a blanket on Arslans back, so I could sit on him and then jumped up onto his back, not really lady like, but it did the work.

"Where are you going like this?" Lady Gandowolf and Beatrice stood before the fence, looking unpleased up to me. For a moment I was lost for words, would she change her mind that fast? 

Beatrice chuckled at my expression and held up a white cloak  

"We don't want you to get ill." she said literally beaming. I looked down at the white fur, and heavy woolen fabric.

"Thank you but I'm fine." I answered snuggling the long gray scarf, the only warm thing I owned, over my nose.

"What are you talking about? Just take it!" Beatrice threw the cloak over my shoulder and bound it together in the front. "It's old, but warm, so don't worry."

"Thank you" I muttered looking at Beatrice and my Lady.

"Now hurry, I want you back, before the sun sets." Lady Gandowolf grinned and I did the same.

"No problem!" Aslan turned and ran, jumping over the fence without halting, like there was nothing that could stop him, the wind whipped snow flakes and my loose strands in the face, and I felt free again for the first time in months! Aslan must have felt ecstatic as well.

But happiness was not something that was meant for me. Like a nobles riches, at times it seemed unreachable for me. So all I could was run joyus towards the bleak future.

Aarons POV

The sun was long gone, but the girl didn't come back. 

I laughed into myself as mother looked grim out of the window every few minutes. 

The girl had lost the tiny trust my dear mother held for her. 

It wouldn't be long now, that she would ask of me to go and get her, I was just waiting for this moment, then I could easily throw in her face what bad leader she actually was.

The sound of a carriage and a sole horse sounded from a few meters away, they were halted by Eduard. 

Something must have happened in the village.

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