Aaron- chapter 8 Searching

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Chapter 8 Searching

"You want me to what?!" My mother's voice raised, stomping her feet on the floor she pushed her chin outwards daring anyone to speak up again. 

"You don't know where the girl I sent you went to, and now you dare ask me for help to find someone else?" her high pitched voice was menacing, and I couldn't help but laugh at her idiotic anger, which earned me an angry glance.

"I swear, I told her to go home directly..." the nun had come with the lowly head of the hunters himself, begging us to search for some nun named Rose.

"Aaron, Alistair, Leon! Go! Get them back!" My mother snapped falling back in her chair. 

I spared her another smirk before following her loyal puppies out into the dark woods.

This, would be a fun night.

Mellow POV

Aslan pranced through the forest like white thunder, twigs forming bony fingers reached out to me and pulled on my cloak as the frozen snow numbed my face. 

The growls and howls from our pursuers behind us, send my mind in a panic and my lungs seemed to  freeze in my chest, but I still managed to direct Aslan witty enough to make some of our hunters to run into tree trunks.  

One jumped, leaping at us from a blind spot scratching at Aslans shoulder. He whined miserably in pain, throwing his upper body in the air before stomping with both hoofs on the soft snow.

Wolfs, hungry and wild thanks to the winter, circled around us, there was no chance of escaping them. 

The circle got smaller, I tried to figure out some way but time was pressing with the sun steadily hiding behind the mountains, the only option left was to attack!

I reached out for a tree branch, tearing it down was more difficult than expected, but after pulling at it with all my weight it cracked down. 

The branch was thick like my arm, and apparently as heavy as me. 

I breathed in deeply, clearing my head and taking the branch steadily in booth hands.

The wolves circling us were weary of my faithful warhorse, but hunger pushed them forward to attack and I welcomed them with a hearty strike from my newly acquired weapon.

You could hear a loud thud as the animal collided with the branch, it almost threw of me of Aslan but I regained my halt by grabbing on his hair. The pack got distracted by their whining friend and I used this chance to run, but not without striking a new attack on them. 

Aslan ran over one of them, who howled up sorrowfully and I swung the branch on the next one to me, hitting its head. 

Just seconds later we had our pursuers on our backs again, but they weren't as eager to chew on my leg as before and sure enough after running wild through the forest I finally lost them- together with the track I had on sister Rose.

Aaron POV

It took quite some time reach the hunters meeting place, the shady humans clothed in thick leather, looked weary at us, well at me- seemed like they didn't forget our last meeting.

"Great- giant dogs." muttered the fat one under his breath. 

Alistair, the giant ashern wolf beside me laughed, but it sounded more like an angry growl to the man sitting on their horses.

Leon seemingly enjoyed their discomfort as they herded like sheep.

"Well, were did you track them last?" he finally asked as we halted a few feet away from them. 

Aaron - a werewolfs prideWhere stories live. Discover now