Aaron Chapter 12 Punishment

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 Chapter 12- My Uncle & Punishment

We parted with the hunter and Sister Rose and she gave me this knowing smile when she took the potion with Aaron's blood. She knew something. Yet again, I could keep nothing from her.

And all that was left to do was to wait, a little longer than death had planned, hopefully, but either way too soon, too sudden for me.

I wondered slightly what she would do now, what she was feeling, she just held me tightly with her strong but wrinkled hands, love seemingly seeping through her skin into mine.

I wondered then- Are you, the dying woman, trying to comfort me?

Oh sweet irony.

I couldn't cry anymore the well had finally dried up and once Sister Rose was out of sight, all I could I think of was Aaron.

He had held me so dearly that I still felt his warm breath on top of my head and his arms so much bigger than mine around my body.

I stared at him the whole time. Trying to figure out what he was thinking.

Why did he do this for me? But of course, there was no answer to be found.

As we neared the cottage Aarons back tensed and his senses were on guard, a low grumbling sound came from the wolves... well from Leon and Alistair.

I looked left and right but didn't see anything unusual until we turned, stepping onto the road which offered a clear view at his home and the giant cloaked figure beside a carriage in front of the fence, guarded by a few weres.

His skin and cloak color melted together making only his eyes stand out as he looked at us, first the guys on their paws and then for a long time at Aaron and when his eyes finally met mine a big smile spread across his face revealing white and sharp set of teeth.

My heart swelled at his sight, an answering smile spread on my face and I practically jumped of Aslan, ignoring my pained feet and ran towards him, my arms spread out.

"Ogwambi!" I yelled out happily. He dropped to one knee welcoming me and my bone crushing hug, thought he didn't waver the smallest bit as I crashed into him.

"Ogwambi" I cried out his name again, tasting it on the tip of my tongue. "How have you been? Is my Uncle here? How was your journey? How .." I stuttered realizing how I was bombarding him.

Never had I seen a man, being the exact opposite of me, like him. His skin had a wooden or earthy color carrying a scent of a land I never would be able to set foot into.

"My lady." He greeted short in his heavy accent whilst giving me a worried look all over.

"I had already heard that you still strive through the woods like it was a simple garden, but I didn't expect this..." his pointed look went to my leather covered feet roughed up face and hands. I was no pretty sight that was for sure, I couldn't help but shrug, I felt just fine.

Without answering even one of my questions he straightened up, looking above my head at the man with the two beasts who had approached us.

The air was tense and the guys in their wolves-form seemed ready to jump.

Ogwambi gave them a small nod and directed to me with a much warmer look in his eyes. "Your uncle was received by Lady Gandowolf you should go in and greet him."

My mouth opened in protest, but before a word could escape my lips, I was shoved by Aaron.

"Walk." Was short command, as he dragged me by my arm towards the warm cottage.

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