Drake POV P.S-The girl isn't important in any shape or form PLAY MUSIC ANYTIME
I was the first to wake up do to a major headache when I hear Mia scream I walked over there and saw a girl with brown hair,green jacket,white tank top,and high wasted shorts I say "What's going on" I said Mia said "SHE TRIED TAKING THE BLOOD I GOT FROM YOU" Mia screamed I sigh and say "Mia you could get more it's not like I'm leaving right now" Mia calmed down after I said that but the other girl ran off.I went up to Mia "You probably woke up Grayson oh speak of the HIM" I say as Grayson walked in Grayson said "Mia why were you screaming" Mia then said "Well this girl came and tried to take Drakes MAGNIFICENT blood" Then thats when I get a headache I fall to my knees grabbing my head Grayson and Mia came over and asked "ARE YOU OKAY?!" they said in unison I said "I'm fine just a small headache" they didn't buy it then I said "I'm fine it's just Herobrine" I said but then Mia said "Isn't he dead" she asked I shook my head and said "His body is dead not his spirt but Armen's spirt is different he can't do anything about Herobrine in his body his spirt is free not his body" I said then I hear a voice in my head say If you tell them they'll just kill you off I just shook my head but I didn't tell them what I heard in my head I just said "Let's keep moving" they nodded.I asked "Where are we heading" Grayson answered my question and said "We are going to the Red Keep we're not far from it" I nod I keep hearing things in my head saying Don't you think I'm going to give up this chance to get a new host I just shake my head and keep moving froward I think they noticed when I shook my head for the 15 billon time because Grayson asked "Are you sure your okay" I nod and say "Just thinking about things" and we moved on but when I heard the voice again it yelled and gave me a headache it yelled saying YOU IDIOT STOP AND KILL THEM THEY WANT TO KILL YOU IDIOT JUST KILL I grabbed my head and fell on my knees Mia and Grayson ran up to me and said "Hey are you okay Drake" I say "I I I'm fi..." I pass out before I could finish my sentence.
I see Drake pass out I think Nows my chance hehehe I get out my things I open his eye poke the ender eye nothing same with the other I take some blood from his ender half and finally I drop water on his ender half and he teleported I did it again and again until Drake wakes up and yells "OW" Drake said then I say "I'm sorry I didn't think you would wake up" I then see Grayson looking for us I yell "Over here" then when Grayson arrives Drake says "Why didn't you stop here from putting water on me" Grayson said "Whats the harm you WERE asleep after all" I here Drake sigh and see him get out water from his backpack and drink it Interesting maybe I can cut him open and see whats inside him Grayson said "Don't think about doing that you could kill him he's a rare mage too you know" I nod and we set off again to the Red Keep.We chatted till we got there and say the paginum people Grayson looked at the maps Drake looked at magic stuff while I went up and there were NO ROOMS NO PRIVACY well no time to complain at least we can sleep in a bed for once and NOT outside on the floor.I went to get the Drake and Grayson and showed them our "rooms" they complained about about the same thing as well but stopped complaining about it we started talking about what we were going to do I said "So whats the plan" Drake said "I'm going to find the three diamonds and try to save Armen" we agreed to help him too then Grayson said "After I've helped Drake free Armen I'll hatch the egg" I said "I'm doing the same thing by helping Drake and then become the best archeologist that ever lived" we all nodded and went to sleep.We soon woke up to smoke I went down the stairs and saw...
Cliff but if you watched the series "The Hunted" then don't spoil it for people who haven't Thank you bye.:)

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanfictionDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...