Drake POV
I realized I was starting to hear a voice telling me things that were about my childhood they were true when I found out who it was I said "What I thought you died from HIM Collin" I said then we started talking (D = Drake C = Collin)
D- do you still remember Armen he needs you by your side you know that right.
C-I do know Armen but he doesn't need me you need to protect him for I could not.
D-I'm going to bring you back so he can see you got that I know I could die I don't care life is something an enderman doesn't care about but why is my father so angry did we do something wrong or what thats what I want to know.
C-Then live for that reason and this chat is ending your waking up about in like maybe ten minutes or less so hurry up and get to your point.
D-I'm not going too tell them what I am you are you know I don't hurry and go see Armen remember I'm going to tell you things you need to know on the way and we will meet again sooner or later good luck.
D-Goodbye Collin say I enjoyed our last days together.
Thats when I woke up and then I got out of Astro's grip and started canting "Roajoy Vijible Norva Gebleb" and the last words that nobody heard were "Be safe and don't look for me the monsters son"
and at that moment a red and purple light flashed I was drifting away but felt someone grab me but not pull me out of it.
Astro POV
We were running until Zelos started moving trying to get out of my grip and he did and he started chanting words I never wanted to hear and by the time we turned around the light flash started and we couldn't see by the time we could it was to late to stop him and I yelled "NO" I screamed with tears running down my cheeks and I never cry.I say two figures instead of my brother I walk up to them and say "What did you do to him" I said while gritting my teeth one with jet black hair and baby blue eyes said "He he used himself to bring us back no why" the one with black hair said the other said "He is alive BUT he is not here though we will find him Astro I know it" the man said to me then he said "Oh where are my manners I'm Collin" Collin gave a warm smile and the other said "I'm Armen" the other said then my eyes widened and I said "Heh my brother always talked about you to father" I said with a smile then it came to a stop when Armen,Grayson,Mia,and Trajan asked "Who is your father" they said in unison then I gave Collin a death stare and then I said "I'm not allowed to tell you" I said then they asked Collin he opened his mouth then I said "Don't Drake said not to" I said with a cold glare at Collin then he shut his mouth then the stared and me and said "Whats so bad about him" they all said then I said "I rather Drake tell you what happened when we were young" I said with a sigh I heard a sound that said "Don't look for me all I will bring is pain" it said it so calmly I didn't know what happened when I saw my brothers eyes then he noticed and ran I quickly ran after him only to see the most saddening thing my father had stabbed my brother right in the shoulder so he couldn't fight back then he stabbed him in the gut I teleported in front of him to see my father say "Go he is meant to have a destiny to die and live somehow then my brother said "Don't tell my friends they are good people" he said with a sad and pained smile then he stabbed him in the heart when I saw him grow those lifeless eyes and he was still smiling I go up to him and his final words were "I am not dead" Drake said it sounded wired to say that but I kept his secret for a month a entire mouth and a week I heard people saw a enderman with one glowing white eye and the other well an enderman eye but its body was not black but a red endrman so I decided to gather the team again after a month we gave up our search for my brother I was deeply saddened by this but kept moving because of the last words he had said "I'm not dead" those words replay over and over in my mind everyday but I set out to find them.
Hey guys and gals I hope you like this part but yeah it even made me sad to read it but thanks for reading.

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanficDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...