Grayson POV
We had made it finally we were at the Magical Library and now we could get the map to the hatchery spot and we could hatch the egg but then again we don't know how this will turn out or how far the spot will be away from here on top of that we have no way to get off this island "Hey Drake how would we get off the island" I asked kinda worried but didn't show it
"We teleport to my house" Drake replied saying while looking at the diary he found earlier "What does it say in there"I asked feeling my curiosity taking over "Stuff...we can talk about it when we leave the island" Drake said but it looked as if he never was going to talk about it "Why not now" I asked wanting to know now "There is an unsettling presence here" he said and him saying that made me unsettled "Well that's unsettling"I said finishing the conversation as I started to look around more but as they say curiosity killed the cat.As I was walking around I saw a door behind a staircase almost like it wasn't meant to be found "HEY GUYS" I yelled to get everyones attention which I did which caused everyone to come into the room "Can you be anymore loud Grayson,you shook the whole place" Sammy said to me slightly annoyed she must have been doing something "Sorry but look what I found" I said "I think I have the key too" I was pointing at the door until I went to grab the key from my bag.
Maria POV
I heard slight coughing from behind me I turned around and say Drake with a look of pain on his face as he was coughing into his hand "DRAKE" I yelped a little loudly which caused Sammy to turn around and saw at Drake "Drake are you ok" Sammy asked worry laced in her voice "I'm f-f-fine" Drake stuttered as he moved his hand away I saw blood "Your NOT ok your coughing up blood" I said worry laced in my voice as well but I kept my voice stern "It's fine i-i-it happens a-a lot" Drake keeps stuttering which is worrying me to my limits "Grayson do you have a health potion" Sammy asked trying to conceal her worry for Drake "Yeah why" He responded he sounded like he didn't want to know the reason "Grayson just give us the potion we cant wait for Drake to cough up more blood" I said making sure I got the potion.Grayson got up and went towards us with the potion "Drake it happened again didn't it" Grayson said to Drake while Drake nodded his head in response,Grayson gave the potion to Drake as Drake drank it all and gave he bottle back to Grayson "He's getting stronger" Drake said as he stood up from his spot on the ground "He doesn't want us going into that room" Collin said putting a hand under his chin thinking "Obviously Hero is someone to warn people not to get close with pain" Drake said not realizing he gave Him a nickname "So now your giving him a nickname" Sammy said with a slight giggle but Drake didn't seem to find it funny he seemed preoccupied "Drake are you ok" I response "Drake" I was growing worried that he wasn't responding "DRAKE" I yelled making Drake look at me "What" Drake said looking as if he did nothing wrong which he didn't "You zoned out when you gave Him a nickname" I said with worry lacing my voice "Oh sorry,it happens right" Drake shrugged it off "Your avoiding the topic Drake" Collin said and when he says something like that it makes people want to know more "Let's get the door open,we need to find out what's on the other side" Drake said making me slightly mad since he wasn't staying on the topic I wanted to discuss "Fine,Grayson you have the key so what are you waiting for open the door" Sammy said knowing we couldn't get answers right now.Grayson walked up to the the door and put the key in and well we saw chests all different colors green,red,blue,pink,purple,black,and more but there were only enough for all the people here weird.
Collin POV
I saw that Drake was looking at a chest that was black with purple particles coming off of it but it also glowed a slight white but everyone was drawn to a different one even me,as we opened our chests I saw that I got an ender pearl maybe it was to try and make him get away from Drake's body further but then again the ender pearl is used for many things.I didn't really understand what I got but the others I did understand.

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanfictionDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...