Flare POV Nightcore-The Atmosphere By:NightcoreReality
I can't believe what happened to my son but anyway its in the past it doesn't effect him so I guess its okay yeah.Oh I know what I could do then I woke everyone up but my son they all said "What" in a whisper voice then I said "Do you want to see Drake as a female" I said with a big grin on my face they all nodded their heads with a smile on their faces then I tiptoed over to my son and yelled "BOO" while touching his arm quickly.Drake quickly woke up and transformed into a enderwomen he said "Mom you had to do that didn't you this last A WHOLE DAY" Drake said I nodded and I saw everyone laughing their heads off haha I couldn't resist I soon started laughing but then Grayson said "That....last.....for a....whole...day" he said in between laughs Drake said "Yeah I'll just stay here in a sleeping bag for the day" Drake said while going into his sleeping bag and covered his head then we all started laughing harder then Mia and I stopped and pulled his arm up from the sleeping bag Collin made a whistle like a you look good whistle I saw that Grayson did it too.Well anyway Drake was wearing a black jacket,black knee high boots,black shorts that are a little high waisted,with a hat with ender eyes on it,a most reveling shirt that only covered her chest part,and last a black scarf to cover his mouth hahahahahaha I started laughing and then Mia took it to far and touched her chest I said "Ohhhhhh CAT FIGHT" I said with a smile Drake said "Mom will you stop making it worse" he said blushing and covering his err her chest hahahaha I couldn't stop laughing I fell on the grass holding my stomach and rolling around on the grass.
Drake POV
I can't believe my mom did this ugh I hate when she would do this to me when I was younger because the boys wouldn't know who I was so they would hit on me great now Trajan,Collin,Armen,and Grayson think I look cute greatttt just what I needed today.Well now I need to go hide I turn around and see a thing I never wanted to see my father with those black eyes he loved ME with I hate him but he doesn't want to help me so I ran the other direction and I could hear my half of my friends packing up camp and the other half running after me.I teleported onto a tree and sat on it I put my head on my knees and held my knees and then I said "Why father why" I said in a whisper voice and curled up into my knees I'll stay up here for just a couple seconds I then yawn I hadn't gotten any sleep since 5 days ago so I want to sleep now but I must stay awake and have my guard *Yawn* up ugh I can't do it...
:Vision POV:
"Dad what are you doing to mommy" "Sweet....heart........run..I SAID RUN" "Idiot you will die by my hands" "Why do you do this daddy she loves you" "She is NOT my wife and she is not your mother child" "What are you talking about" "Child you are dead already while we speak" "YOURE A DEMON CHILD LIKE ME HAHAHA" "Stop talking lies she is my mother and your wife" "Speak what you want you're the ender dragons and mines son" "What" "Yes demon child suck it up and feel pain" "I can't die I'm immortal and you are mortal deal with it" "You speak the truth but I CAN take away MY powers from you" "No you can not my body has merged with your power if you try and take it I will take MORE of YOUR power so yes I'm a demon child but I am stronger than YOU" "What you never said that at birth" "I keep things secret to myself and never tell a living soul so you might as well be dead now" "NO NO NO DONT AWAKEN IT MY CHILD YOU MUST NOT" "Goodbye....sister Flare" "NO MY BROTHER DONT GO I CANT MAKE UP FOR IT THEN IF YOU DISAPPEAR NO" "Bye"
:Vision End:
I wake up from a cold sweat with tears why.Well I'm still in the tree wait was that a vision is she actually my sister and I'm her younger brother but how is that possible am I actually ugh head..ache not now.Just then I slip from the pain I scream in pain not knowing what was going on I could feel myself shape shift to see if anything could save me no nothing then I heard a faint voice say "Hurry she over there" but it was very faint I fell I hit the ground I felt more memories over flow me as to who my parents are what happened to me the bullies stabbed me in the stomach and hit me in the throat I was going to die but then my mother gave me immortality Ii lived but she died my dad hated me he said I wasn't able to live so HE threw me in the ally for years and I couldn't move than another person had to give up their lives for me how stupid am I I'm I'm a a a a a DEMON CHILD I SHOULD BE dead instead.
I ran after Zelos or Drake whatever his name is and I was with Flare and Astro as well then I saw Drake fall wait is he crying no time for that "HURRY SHES OVER THERE" I screamed they nodded their heads Flare started flying Astro teleported to her and I ran like a elf which is fast they do run fast but he she whatever already hit the ground she was still breathing she wasn't going to die even though anyone would die from that height but then he slowed down his breathing he was fine "We should see if he's okay"I said to everyone "Yeah I think so too" Flare and Astro said with sadness in their voices hmm something is going on then I hear a loud clap of thunder and then what i saw left me breathless along with Astro and Flare we stood there motionless trying to find words but what I saw was something we couldn't fix what I saw was was.
Thanks for reading and thanks for the support on this story and just thank you very much so yeah hehe BYE.

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanfictionDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...