Drake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything.
Everything will app...
"The Empire" I mutter quietly to myself but as soon as I said that it was almost like the empire had heard me because as soon as I said that we were surrounded.If it were my guess I would assume that there were about 50 soldiers around us "SOLDIERS DONT HARM THEM" a female voice yelled as I had my sword drawn and in a defensive stance along with my friends but Drake he looked to be mad or annoyed maybe because of flashlight eyes.Anyway the solders immediately backed up but kept their swords at the ready "The Assassin,The Archeologist,The Commander,The Cross Over,The Blood Warrior,The Puppet,The Tricked,and lastly...oh never mind me anyways solders tie up the blaze,ender,and skeleton" the female said I try to protest but Mia stops me "Look around Grayson we're outnumbered" Mia said taking a good look around with her bright green eyes.I sheathed my sword knowing I would be fighting a losing battle "Thats more like it,anyways my name is Echo Seraph" Echo spoke with a grin across her face as my eyes widened "The Emperors right hand man or lady" I spat with venom lacing my voice as I looked at her almost pale white face as I looked straight into her neon red eyes of course it had to be her of all people she still looked the same as well red knee high combat boots,a jacket that looked like mine but black,red sleeveless turtle neck,black tight gloves,black ripped jeans,and lastly the mark of a necromancer and mage.
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Of course no one knew about her being a mage and I was the only one who knew about it too.She walked towards my tied up friends still ignoring Drake wait Drake was nowhere to be seen where did he go.Anyway as Echo walked up to my friends jet black hair with dark purple and red strands flow in the wind with her hand on the hilt of her sword "I wonder what's inside of a mob that has a human spirit" Echo said with fake curiosity as she pulled out her sword I tried to unsheathe my sword but I wouldn't no...couldn't move my own body that was until I closed my eyes and heard a blood curdling scream and when I opened my eyes I saw that Echo had cut Flare's eyes leaving a slash across her face I turned my head away...she was blind now no blazes heal but the pain doesn't go away "What shall I do now with all of you,wait there is nothing to do your all going to die" Echo said with a demonic like voice thats when I realized her eyes weren't both neon red one was pure black the other neon red I still couldn't move as Echo brought down the sword on Flare but instead of hearing a scream we hear a roar of a dragon and I could move again but all I saw were the black scales of the ender dragon around us until it unwrapped itself and stood up with a huge roar "Get on and knock out Echo bring her as well" Drake said through my head as I nodded and knocked Echo out noticing the others were on the dragon er,Drake already as I got on he spreads wings as the arrows the guards had were about to shoot Drake got dragon armor? I don't know but it deflected the arrow back the only spot that didn't have the armor was where the group sat "I guess we need to come back here prepared" I said looking down at the army below us as we took flight.As soon as we got somewhere safe Drake became his human self again but collapsed to the ground "I guess that took a lot out of him" Trajan said examining the wounds Flare had which were almost fully healed "So what are we going to do about the right hand lady of the Emperor,why'd you bring her anyway" Collin asked looking at Echo with eyes of hate "Drake asked me to bring her for some reason you should ask him once he wakes up" I said tying Echo up with enchanted rope Armen found in Drake's house "What I want to know is why she called us different things" Armen said making me remember what she said "The Commander which I assume is me,The Archeologist which might be Mia,The Assassin is Luke,The Cross Over might be Maria,The Blood Warrior that would be Sammy,The Puppet is Armen and The Tricked is Collin that was all right I wonder why she didn't say anything about Drake" I asked thinking out loud before I heard Drake starting to stir awake "Ow my head is killing me" Drake said as he put his hand onto his head rubbing circles on it to try and decrease the pain he felt at that moment.
Armen POV
Wait The Commander,The Archeologist,The Assassin,The Puppet,The Tricked,The Blood Warrior,and The Cross Over wait those all sound like something I have in a book.I looked in my backpack and pulled the book out as I flipped through the pages of the book until I found the one I wanted to find "The prophecies" I muttered under my breath only letting Drake and Collin hear what I said since Drake has super hearing and Collin was right next to me "What do you mean the prophecies" Collin asked as Drake chugged down a healing potion which apparently got rid of the pain,I showed my friends the book I had open to the pages that held the names Echo said to us "Wait but theres one page ripped out" Astro pointed out to me and I flipped the page and saw the rips of pages that were almost gone "Yeah of course there's a page missing one prophecy is never talked about only ancient mages and necromancers know about that prophecy and most of them were ridded of their memory but 5 or 6 are still left" Echo said as everyone but Drake turned around to look at her I had curiosity written in bold letters on my face "What's the last prophecy" I asked curiously but she only shook her head "It's not my right to tell,after all I'm not the only one who knows" Echo said closing her eyes afterward and falling asleep instantly "Drake do you know the prophecy the book isn't in english so we can't read it we only know the names of the prophecies" I said hoping he would answer with the reply I wanted just out of curiosity but Drake only shook his head showing that he didn't know the answer,and so with that we all got into our sleeping bags and fell asleep.
But what I didn't know is that I was being tricked.