Mia POV Nightcore- I Need You Person-NightcoreReality
I got up before everyone woke up I decided I was going to cook the mutton so I grabbed the raw mutton from my backpack then I heard a bow shot I quickly got up and looked around I decided to wake up Grayson because I didn't want to wake up Drake after what happened yesterday.We looked around and saw a enderman and skeleton fighting I looked at the enderman in the eyes and so did he but I quickly looked away he started making the nosies that enderman make when angry next thing I know I'm knocked out and so is Grayson everything went black but before it did I heard running.
Drake POV
I woke up and heard enderman nosies but they were angry I quickly started running.What I saw was a knocked out Mia and Grayson then a enderman with a skeleton I quickly said "Dojiva Vercota" in enderman language he turned to me I looked him in the eyes and said "Brother Astro" I said with wide eyes then the enderman said "Brother Zelos" Astro said then I said "Oh umm can you not say this to umm my friends please" I said then Astro said "These are your friends sorry she looked at me" Astro respond to me and I nodded before I got a headache it gave a sharp pain that I had to hold my head then Astro came up to me and said "Are you okay" Astro said I looked up and said "Yes can you just not tell my friends that I'm a prince and just nothing about home and umm father" I said then Astro said "You mean Herobrine our father *sigh* fine I'll not tell them" Astro said then I said "Thank you and its good to see you too Trajan" I gave a warm smile as I said that Trajan was the skeleton me and Astro met when we were learning strong magics he taught us to shot a bow and I taught him magic with arrows when he mastered it our father found out and we could never come back but we did ha it was funny really what he taught us actually was helpful because we could sneak out easily then Grayson and Mia woke up and we stopped talking.
Astro POV
As Zelos's friends started to wake up I shifted into my human form I looked like Zelos but with instead of a white eye it was black and my hair was Zelos's hair right now but that's not what he looked like he depends on mana why didn't he tell his friends wired right but I had to play along with it when they woke up they were shocked when they saw me then the girl said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HE"S EVIL" when I said the last part I got angry but then Zelos put his hand up and said "He's good trust me" Zelos said I looked at him and nodded then the boy said "Why do you two look so much alike wait are you BROTHERS" the boy said then Zelos sighed and said "I guess I need to tell you sooner or later" Zelos said with a sigh they looked at each other confused then I said to Zelos "You might as well show how you really look like" I said while Zelos sighed but nodded and said "I'll do that tomorrow at night so it adds effect to the story and my 'True Form' or yeah" Zelos said then I saw him grab his head and say "Why now" and then Zelos fainted I picked him up and then I could tell the boy and the girl knew what was happening and Trajan said "Well what are we waiting for Astro do it already" Trajan said and I set him down on the floor and started giving him mana that I didn't need so he was stronger against our father and then we decided that they would take us to their temporary camp site they were resting at then they introduced themselves as Grayson and Mia hmm they sound familiar some how but I can't place my finger on it but they let Zelos rest and me and Trajan took first watch then I saw torches and ran back to them and woke them up and told them what I saw then we started running I was carrying Zelos since he was my brother.
Thank you for reading again for the what fifth time ever but I hope you enjoyed give me feedback on what I should do next thank you BYE.

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanficDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...