Drake POV
I heard and sensed that one of the warriors of The end had come with you so I say "Lux what are you doing here" I said with a irritated voice then she came out and said "Welllllll long story I kinda poked you before you left to annoy you once more buttt then this happened can you take me back" Lux asked then I said "Lux I can't take someone back in just one day I need to wait THREE WEEKS darn (the most annoying warriors come to me for some reason)" I said the last part so quiet only someone with super hearing could hear it then Lux said "What was the last thing you said ZELOS hmmm" she said looking at me then I said "Why do you need to address me formally here and now Lux" I said slightly annoyed then I heard something it was an Empire campsite I can tell because well the sound and scent of the place and I could tell they were coming towards us so I said "Guys lets get a move on we can't stay here forever right" I said trying not to sound like there is danger coming but I did say trying because I fail well kinda failed they just got a little worried that I said that after being annoyed TO THE MAX but yeah then I heard it they stopped and then I said "Guys come on we need to go NOW" I said the last part a little louder but not a yell then Trajan said "Drake tell us NOW" he said but yelled the last part then I said "Jvfla" I said in a whisper and then Astro said "DRAKE DONT SUCH LANGUAGE HERE" he yelled the whole sentence then I said "Fine if you want to yell and get captured by Empire Soldiers you can but I'm going" I said but my voice much deeper but I'm not trying to get away from the guards in reality I was running from my fate of being controlled but it almost seemed impossible to get away from......NO not yet no no no no it cant be I'm falling SHOOT.....everything is just like a TV from what I never wanted to see no.........
Trajan POV
No not yet it cant be but it is I saw Drake halt so suddenly that everyone flinched then I said "Guys RUN" I said and we went west away from Drake and the soldiers I felt guilt rush though me because I'm the one who made him like this this monster and then just why WHY AM I SO STUPID AT TIMES I NEED TO SAVE HIM IM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN no the group are the ones who can it won't work with me there it is all my faul-- I was thinking till I heard someone say it was a dragon it said "It is not your fault I can be reborn Herobrine just took my cursed body so now he is cursed with the pain I felt everything every emotion,slap,whip,burn,spank,shots,gun bullets,and bullies there is nothing in that body that was NOT meant for him I could of ate,slept,drank,dodged,all this is for him to feel pain he is NOT immortal but I am so I cant die I only feel pain of others but they don't feel pain I absorb all of it" it said then I screeched to a halt as I realized I was talking to Drake but he was a dragon but he was smaller then I said "Why are you smaller" I asked tilting my head the others turned around and Mia and Flare squealed like nothing I have ever heard even Drake seemed to tilt his ears back in a attempt to silence the noise then Drake said "Well because if I was my biggest form everyone would have known where we were since yeah" Drake said trying to ignore the squees then I got annoyed and said "WILL YOU STOP IT HURTS MY NONEXISTENT EARS" I said well yelled along with the Grayson and Astro that it made the girls pout and say "Well we cant hold in the cuteness and how long did we take" they said then Drake said "Ummm about five minutes" Drake said then Grayson and Astro said "Can you change into a human" they asked then Drake said "No I need more strength which would take umm about a week for a normal dragon but I take about two days four days at the max so it depends I will most likely take four days since I didn't eat,sleep,drink,or dodge attacks since I was getting ready and if I try to force myself to form I will look deformed and well mushy it would be disgusting but you get my point don't you right" Drake said everyone nodded then we set out again to get away from the pitiful Herobrine I wonder how much pain Drake felt back the--- but before I finished my thought I heard Herobrine scream in pain then Drake said "I told you I have felt a lot of pain back then physically but now it would be more of a mentally thing for him to deal with all the pain he caused me" Drake said I nodded simply we still don't know his TRUE past I wish I could help him more then I heard "I know what you did I know why and it"s okay really" it was inside my head then I just looked at Drake he was unfazed then I said "This could get annoying now that you now" I said then Drake said "Whelp we're in the future now and we cant look back can we now" Drake said I nodded and smiled for once then Mia took a picture which made Drake laugh then the while group trust out laughing and we started to the Magical Library.
Sorry I hadn't been posting things got in the way but here you go :3

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanfictionDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...