Drake POV
It wasn't meant to end this way it was never meant to happen in the first place.That was my first thought when I woke up, but for some reason I felt like I shouldn't get up but I just brushed off my feeling and stood up seeing that everyone else was already awake.I walked over and Grayson handed me some mutton but said nothing in fact nobody said anything as we all ate.Silence.
"So what's the plan" Echo asked as she took another bite of her mutton.
"Well, we're going to do what we set out to do" I replied and Echo nodded her head and finished her mutton.She then stood up and started to pack everything up as everyone else finished their meals and once that was finished we got up and walked again.
"What happens if we don't make it out Drake" Sammy asked quietly sadness and desperation evident in her voice.
"The past can't hurt you, but you can hurt yourself" I replied continuing to walk forward, I understand that she's scared of this place for what happened but she always looks at the past and she stops and cant look further if she keeps on torturing herself for wha happened.She's always been like that even if she hid it for everybody else but I could always see it.
"Some wise words from Drake" Mia said obviously trying to lighten the mood but you can't lighten the mood a day after someone close to you dies, and knowing I could have deflected the arrows isn't helping at all with the grief that Flare's death caused me, but it wasn't my fault, that's all they say in their minds I know it.It breaks my heart to know she's gone, but it doesn't matter how she dies, she would have died even if I saved her that moment, and if I saved her, her death would have became more painful.
"We're almost there" Maria said, but she watched her tone carefully, she knew any of us could lose what we all hold so dear to us, our sanity, something we have so little of.How do people keep sane so easily before all this happened, actually why did we separate in the first place, it could have been me unconsciously trying to break or ruin my destiny, I guess that turned out terrible.I wish I had a choice to do what I want even if it lead to my death, that probably sounds really sad, but you would say it too if your whole life was with one of the most dangerous demons known in the Nether, most would have gone mad by now, I would too if it weren't for my destiny, my choices, and the deal I made with a demon, I was such a fool but I didn't want Armen to suffer anymore then needed, I didn't want him to see me die.But, demons lie, Armen is watching me die slowly and painfully, and he can't do a thing without killing me.I always wonder what would happen if I never went into that house would I be ruler of the Nether or would I be ruler of The End, or would I be dead.
"We're here" I mutter as we all stop in front of a broken down town that was scorched by heat and fire, all the houses had walls missing or even ceilings collapsed on the buildings.Too many thing happened here, too many memories.
"Let's just get what we need and leave" Maria said quietly as she looked around the town, last time she and Sammy were here, the town was wonderful and full of happiness, with people.
"What, happened" Sammy asked under her breath, of course I still heard because of my hearing.
"Well the last time I was here they came after me and destroyed the town" I said as I started to walk into the town.
"Oh" Maria said as she trailed off.
"What are we looking for anyway" Mia asked after she snapped out of her trance of amazement, she started to follow me as did everyone else after they snapped out of their trance.
"A necklace with a glowing orange orb incased in silver, bits of the orb will be shown through the casing, but no matter what do not touch the orb" I said strictly, making sure there was no weakness heard in my voice.That's when we all split up to cover more ground, which could go two ways.
Sammy POV
I wonder why Drake was here in the first place, everyone here hates us with all they have...had I mean.But why did they burn down the village, it held no importance to us no love or care, this village was probably just caught in the middle of everything.I wish I could've changed that even if the village was terrible to us.I just hope everything will turn out ok in the end.
"AHHHH" there was a scream specifically Astro's and then there was a sound of an arrow whizzing through the air towards its target, towards whoever that was.
So I ran towards the noise and into one of the old houses, I could only do one thing, go towards them
I wish I stayed away...
Because when I made it there Astro was laying on the ground with and arrow through his monster heart, and Trajan was on the floor as well laying peacefully on the ground next to Astro.I shook my head while covering my mouth, I may have not have known them for long but... they grew on my, they became my family and I have just lost them, every single one of them, I lost them to something I didn't even see.
They were gone.
I was alone for a few more seconds until everyone else came into the house and saw me crying then what i was crying about, some stayed strong and didn't cry others like me, Maria, and Armen.Everyone else stood strong and didn't cry, but Drake looked uncomfortably calm, like he couldn't feel anymore, or, like he knew this would happen.No one talked until we heard a voice.
"So you like my present" It was Herobrine...
"WHY DID YOU KILL THEM" I yelled angrily, I wanted to kill him so badly, but I couldn't I don't have that kind of power.
"I just wanted to give you a welcome home present" Herobrine replied looking annoyed or well, blank.
"You killed my family" Drake muttered, I turned around and saw a deadly glow in his eyes, his now glowing purple eyes met mine and all I saw was vengeance and anger.
"Well of course I did" Herobrine replied "It was fun"
Herobrine was trying to provoke Drake, and it was working because as soon as the word fun left his mouth a black mist surrounded Drake, and he let out a roar, a dragon roar.
"DRAKE STOP" Grayson yelled, as much as I wanted to kill Herobrine, I knew something else was behind this.
"DRAKE YOU'LL BREAK THE PROPHECY" Echo yelled, wait prophecy, what is she talking about.
"The Mage" Herobrine said as his eyes widened as if he didn't know.
A deafening screech came from Drake as purple particles danced around Drake as black mist covered his hands and then his whole body, as he tackled Herobrine the mist completely covered the two.
Then they were gone
We lost what was ours again...
"This is not the end yet"
Thank You
For Reading
A Sequel
Will Come
Just wait

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanfictionDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...