Fated Meeting

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Drake POV

      I woke up alone like always I keep on heading north for some reason I felt a need to go to a hill with a path.I explored very carefully then I feel a presence "I'm not going to fight you" I said and the person came from the tree I still had my back turned the man said "Put down your weapons and turn around" the man said I then said "I'll put down my objects but I will not turn around" I put down my backpack and my weapons but didn't turn around I knew he wasn't going to take it I sensed it.The man yelled "TURN AROUND" so I slowly turned around and saw he had wide eyes I said "Never seen a enderman hybrid huh" the man nodded his head I asked "I'm Drake nice to meet you" I said the man lost all fear and said "I'm Grayson nice to meet you too" Grayson said as I shook his hand I let him grab my stuff I wanted to find a friend a good friend who wouldn't try and kill me.Grayson lead the way we chatted and got to know each other at least for me to get my stuff back I felt someone watching us and I turn around quick Grayson must of noticed because he said "Are you okay is something wrong" Grayson said I said "We're being watched be wary" I took out my sword which was crimson red and black.Grayson looked at it with amazement I saw it in his eyes then I see Armin he had completely white eyes Grayson looked scared I didn't tell him anything about this I managed to trap him in a water,fire,earth,and air thing and took a little bit of Herobrine into me it hurt and I did scream but I could see a little bit of humanity to him but he teleported away before he left he said "Be safe make friends and survive" then Armin left I passed out shortly after though.

Armin POV 

I saw everything happen before my eyes I could feel myself be a little more free then before.I am out for little periods of times I want to try and not hurt people but I can't thats impossible for me at the least.

Grayson POV

I saw Drake pass out I went over to him and tried to wake him up and he did but he was different one eye was purple the other white like Herobrine's he explained everything about his past he didn't show any sign of emotion maybe because it was two years ago thats basically it no explanation to it.I felt bad for this guy he's broken and doesn't know what to do so I'm going to help him so I said "Well come on we're friends right I stretch out my hand to help him up he smiled and toke my hand he followed me to my campsite.I saw Mia and said "Don't attack him its not Herobrine" she looked at me like I was crazy then she saw Drake and she understood why I said that.

Drake POV

I saw a girl at Grayson's campsite I got a weird stare from her then I feel her grab my wrist and drag me over to a table she said "How long have you've been a enderman hybrid" before I could respond she said "Stay still" she took little bit of my blood then I say "Umm,I'm Drake" she looked at me and said "Oh aha OH I'M SO SORRY *Ahem* I'm Mia I see you have meet Grayson you might think I'm crazy now" Mia said then I say "Now it's fine I understand a explorer want a blood sample its fine it didn't hurt anyway" I smile to show that I was fine she seemed happy then I saw many things poking sticks,dagger,and etc,so then i got off the table and asked Grayson "Is she always like this I don't want to get poked and tested" I was looking back at Mia,she was busy writing notes about my blood "Well it depends if you stay long if you stay long she has time to study you and if you are not well you might want to stay longer" Grayson explained which caused me to sigh and say "Well might as well stay with you guys" I find a tree and sit under it and start to write in my journal so I stay up to date on things I do,or if I die and someone finds this.I summon an apple since I was sitting under an apple tree,I can summon anything that is related to the thing I am next to and summon it,like the apple,I was hungry so I ate the apple but I still gave one to Grayson and Mia "Where did you get this,it's like autumn" Mia said confused looking at the apple then me "Yeah nothing grows yet,unless it's berries" Grayson was also confused I could tell by how he said it and how he eyed the apple,I then saw a withered strawberry plant since I didn't want to make them walk back to the apple tree so I said "Watch this" as I summoned a strawberry from what seemed like thin air and ate it since I was still hungry I also gave one to Mia and Grayson they took it,Grayson just shrugged and ate it Mia on the other hand started to make a whole essay on one strawberry basically she just studied it so,yeah,I just started to walk back to the apple tree and started to practice tiny spells,only elemental though for example,fire,which would make fire at the tip of my finger and I swirled it around and then,water which did the same thing as fire,the only spells that were different from fire and water was air and earth,air would make things float and earth would lift little pieces of ground up and after the small practice session.I fell asleep and so did everyone else.

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