Drake POV
As soon as i saw that we were falling I created a magic force field so none of us would get hurt since that has happened a lot recently which isn't good and I don't like when my friends are hurt.The field made us slow our descend but also used a lot of my magic causing me to almost collapse even though I may be Herobrine and the EnderDragons son I haven't mastered ALL of my powers like infinite mana and stuff like that.We soon got to the ground safely and I got my mana back since I could feel the Magical Library's magic even from outside Of course you could your my son and here we go again with Brine Don't sass me Zelos it's Drake Your real name is Zelos and you cant change that well then I don't care and then that stopped Brine from talking.I felt an arrow graze my arm making a small cut but it healed quickly I turned my head and saw the mercenaries behind us,I knew they would follow then there was lightning it struck me and a mercenary but it didn't hurt me or faze me but it did to the mercenary Your welcome Zelos whatever it wasn't like you wanted to help me Thats so very true to think it would come to Brine helping but for his own benefit that sounds like him and he stopped talking again great we soon lost the mercenaries in the snow but we kept on running "Drake do you have any idea where exactly the library is" Maria asked and I nodded my head and took the lead.I followed the magical essence and it lead to a huge volcano but it is weird that we are in a winter biome,anyway we entered through a pathway and walked on ice since we do need to save up magic for all we know this could be the showdown between Brine and me but whatever.As we walked we found a library but it was small and the bookcases were missing some books but one caught my eye it looked older than the other ones ripped and torn it looked like a diary as well.I took the book out and summoned fire with my magic and read.
Dear Diary,
This might me useless but I have nothing to lose after all Herobrine is taking over my body he will soon rule over it because I wanted to be powerful to protect Armen but that dream failed and I fear I will hurt him so before I am fully controlled I will transfer my humanity to the ruler of The End since he is strong but in the Overworld he can protect Armen and if you are ready this Drake or Zelos or whatever you go by at the moment you must know you are my humanity you can bring me back if you try but that is almost impossible but you must know Collin I suspect you already revived him,but you might not have met me since no one but you has and yet I think no I know you don't remember me but I do and chances are you are alive so if your reading this then it's proof I was successful in what I was meant to do and by reading my name I hope you know who I am but if the names scratched out then its been 10 years since I wrote this keep living Drake.
Sincerely, (The name is scratched out)
I stood there thinking for awhile then I realized its been 10 years for this person and they're saying I have their humanity inside me like I had with Collin.Maybe just maybe it has to do with my dreams I don't really know or remember anything wait what if this person is from school "DRAKE" Armen and Collin yelled in my ear making me close the book and its other pages full of mystery "Yeah what is it" I asked wanting to read the diary again "We've been trying to get your attention for the past 10 minuets" Collin said looking at the book "Hey whats that" I guess anyone with common sense would have to ask that question "A diary" I simply reply putting the book in a magic containment in other words a magic backpack "From who" Grayson asked obviously listening to our conversation "I don't know the names scratched out but they seem to know who I am" I said thinking back to who knows who I actually am...10 years back.I suddenly felt someone watching us and it wasn't good I know that much "Guys someones watching us don't talk about it out loud" I said through everybody's mind so that person...no thing couldn't hear us "We should keep moving after all he don't have all day" Mia said which was different since Grayson would usually say that stuff none the less we kept moving until we got to a room with four podiums in the room I don't know why but I feel like we should find something to put on the podiums and I have a feeling there will be some hard choice or something.We followed Grayson since he was following a light spirit wait when did it get here.We saw a huge black and purple being it spoke gibberish but it seemed that Grayson was the only one who could understand it,but whatever Grayson said we got a black of emerald,when we got back to the room we put the emerald on the podium in front of the passage and it opened another passage way.
()~()~()Time Skip()~()~()
We got all the blocks each passage way had a choice thats all I know about it the beings are another thing I don't know yet.As we walked through yet another passage we came across and door which gladly opened as we walked in we saw a huge library with one way glass and millions of bookcases,knowledge,and magic for all we know this could be something much more than we expected to find on our journey.To a place unknown to us but some people might call it home or a rest.
I Hope you enjoyed sorry it was only Drake's point of view.

Rejectedshotgun-Struggle Of Powers
FanfictionDrake a half human, Herobrine, and Enderman struggles to control his powers and tries to find the truth in his abilities. So he adventures out to find old friends and make new friends along the way, to the truth of everything. Everything will app...