A/N: Bens tux and masque on the left and Clara's dress and masque on the right.
I was currently in pain as I was in the process of getting my corset tightened so much that it was squishing my ribs together and I couldn't breathe. The ball of the century has arrived and to say that I dreaded having to go to this thing was very relatable. My mom forced me to wear this because it's part of my duties and no matter how hard I fight I still get shoved into corsets. How did the women in the 1800's like these suffocating contraptions made to destroy lung capacity, and air supply.
The only thing that I loved about this ball was the fact that it was a masquerade ball and I get to wear my lovely silver masque that had diamonds scattered all over it.
let's just say I'm being sarcastic just a tad.
I was glad that my dress was floor length and I was glad that instead of heels I can wear my pure white high tops and just to keep my mom off of my back, I chose my white ones with a heel so my mom doesn't ask any questions. They were comfortable and edgy at the same time. I strapped on my masque and headed down to see the progress of the ballroom. The party was from 8:30-1:30. The floor was freshly polished, the tables stacked sky high with treats, a huge chandelier was being placed over the center of the dance floor. I've always loved the ball room when i was a kid because of the grand staircase, that was designed the same as the staircase in beauty and the beast. If you haven't guessed that my favourite Disney movie was Beauty and the Beast then well it is. I walked through the large olk doors, spun, and spun, and spun till i eventually got extreamly dizzy and fell on the floor.
I started to laugh really hard, clutching my stomach because it hurt so much. i was starring up to the cealling as time flew by, I was in a daze until one of our butlers stood over me blocking my view,
" Excuse me miss Clara but we need you to go to your assinged spot with the royal family because we need to fill this ball room."
I looked up at him and than relised what he had ment,
" Holy smokes, what time is it?"
" 8:25 ma'm"
The last time i checked it was 3:00. I got up and brushed my light pin ball gown and sprinted out of the room and yelling bye to the butler. I placed my half of my hair in a bun and curled the rest of my dark brown locks, so the curls were framing my medium sized face. My makeup was simple, just cover up and some eyeliner and mascara. I grabbed my masque and threw it on. My parents were already at the doors to the entrance where the royal family pops out, which is at the top of the staircase. You could tell that the party was in full swing by the noise from behind the door. My mom straightened my Fathers tie and his masque, they both had matching gold masques stating that they were the royal couple.
" Mom, can I enter from the doors where everyone else enters because remember you said that me entering from here was optional."
"sure just take the other doors a few minuites after your father and I are announced."
I thanked her and ran to the other doors around the corner, When i arrived to the door i heard the speaker dude tone down the music and tapped on his microphone,
"Now presenting the Royal Couple!"
The doors opened and the sound of music was engulfed by clapping and cheering.

You're a princess?
WerewolfHi, my name is Clara Grace Jackson, my mom is Queen Jade Jackson and my dad is King Xavier Jackson. My mom is a panther shifter and my dad is a werewolf, so you would think I would be like them, but I'm not. I am something you will never see until...