Recap: the teacher looked at me with a shocked expression on his face,
"What are you"?
i smiled innocently at him as i ran into the forest, the forest always calmed me and kept me at ease, I found this beautiful clearing that had a waterfall falling into this little pond that shone when the sun reflected it's light off of it, and it had these big flat stones circling the pond. Man nature is beautiful. I walked around to look at every angle of this place, there was a huge willow tree letting its vines sway back and forth by the wind. i absoulutly loved willow trees, i walked under the tree and sat down leaning onto its massive trunk, i places my bow beside me as i just closed my eyes letting myself relax. Then i herd a twig snap. I bolted up and looked around i had my bow drawn ready to fire in the direction i had herd the twig snap. The russling stopped to reveal no one else but ben. I put my bow back down and returned to relaxing ingnoring his presence. He walked over to the tree and sat down beside me, we sat in silene for a couple seconds.
"Listen clara, i know i messed up and all, but hear me out. My dad was being a ass and i'm sorry for that. I know right now you would probly want to rip my throught out and feed it to rouges but as a apoligy i wanted you to come to a pack outing as a guest and i promise that ill keep my father away from you."
i couldent help but bursted out in laughter, ben looked at me like i was crazy, once i calmed down i decided to take his offer.
"ben, im not afraid of you're dad, so you won't have to keep him away from me, and ill be delighted to come to you're pack outing. But only on one condition....You take me out for icecream as friends and you will stop being you're father and be yourself for once. Because i think you would be a better alpha than that dirt bag, no offence."
He chuckled "none taken"
I was about to get up but then ben pulled me back down,
"Ben what are you doing?"
He smiled at me for a little bit but then I felt a little awkward,
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because you're beautiful"
I rolled my eyes at his cheesy comment and pulled my arm out of his grasp. I reached into my bag and grabbed out a little sheet of paper, and wrote my number on it.
"Here's my number text me the details of the party and what time you would pick me up."
I tossed him the paper and ran into the forest towards the kingdom, I had to talk to my mom about everything I just have this feeling that I'm a clock ticking and about to run out. I was greeted by the guards when I emerged from the forest lines.
"Good evening your highness and welcome back to the kingdom of the blue dragon."
John held out his arm as I took it gladly as he escorted me into the castle.
"My Clara I remember when you were just a wee baby always intrigued with our swords." John said with a thoughtful look in his eye.
"Thank you but I'm not here to make small talk with you, although we should have a tea party and catch up, while I force you into one of my smallest gowns in my closet suited with a fluffy pink tiara accompanied with one of my eight inches high heels. Or we could go to the nearest coffee shop and talk."
"OH GOD! Not one of your dreaded tea parties! I would rather die than be seen wearing that! DEAR LORD! What goes on in that mind of yours, I'd rather take a coffee shop over that any day! Now you run along I'm sure your parents are waiting for you." he said bowing his head slightly.
"Yes, see you later John." I exclaimed returning the gesture walking past him.
I ran into the main doors and found my parents in the office doing some paper work, I closed the door lightly and tiptoed behind both of them since the shared a huge desk. They were so focused on their work so they didn't pay attention to me. I made it to the bookshelf behind them, but as my dad was about to turn around so I shape shifted into a pencil hoping that he would pick me up.
He grabbed one of the books from the shelf I peeked at the name of it, it read "THE ART OF WAR" its a good thing that he is preparing for what's about to come.
when he was turning back towards his desk he looked at me and placed the book down and picked me up. "honey you dropped one of your pencils"
he handed me to her,
"thank you"
she started writing with me but the worst part was the fact that she was RUINING MY HAIR so to give her a huge scare I shifted back into human form. ( thank goodness my clothes shift with me.)
when I shifted back all I herd was...

You're a princess?
WerewolfHi, my name is Clara Grace Jackson, my mom is Queen Jade Jackson and my dad is King Xavier Jackson. My mom is a panther shifter and my dad is a werewolf, so you would think I would be like them, but I'm not. I am something you will never see until...