Bens pov:
I walked through the grand doors and took the scene in front of me and looked at all of the details that was put into the decorations. I hung out with my two brothers and waited at the bottom of the stairs for the royal family to come out, I've heard that there was a new dancer from the royal family, or newish member that was at least my age. The music stopped for a bit as everyone in the room turned their attention towards the grand staircase as the king and queen emerged. I joined in with the clapping and punched Cole hard on the arm to make him clap. He did the same to Jake. Cole glared at me first though, it was actually kind of scary. Everyone returned to talking and dancing as the band played jazz music.
I moved to one of the tables tired from dancing like a crazy person with my sister, but hey I love her so what the hell. My toes got sore because Rain stepped on them like a couple hundred times. Just to say her little toes hurt like hell!
I was laughing at Jake who was trying to ask a girl to dance, key word TRIED. Long story short he got turned down every time until he eventually gave up and sat down next to me.
"Having trouble in the ladies department Jake?"
"No!, the girls just can't handle this"
he replied while gesturing to his body,
"Handle what, you're ugliness"
Jake put his hand on his chest mock offended.
"How dare you question my adorableness, I don't see you getting any luck"
"Let's make a bet, the first girl to walk down that staircase I will dance the masquerade with"
Jake looked at me and smiled,
"You got a deal!"
We both directed our attention to the steps eager to see who I will be dancing with. A lady in her mid 70's came out and was going to walk down the stairs but changed her mind and walked away, good my nerves were racing as Jake was stating that he wanted 100$ and my new dirt bike, the music dimmed down again as a spotlight was shone at the top of the stairs. My eyes were focused on a beautiful girl with a pink dress who came casually walking down the stairs. I was fist pumping the air as Jake was banging his head on the table until my dad scolded him to stop.
"I'll claim my hundred bucks at home"
The music started for the song my masquerade as I took my place in the dance floor, this dance was only for the young adults, so 16-19.
The dance has begun as I eagerly tried to position myself in front of the mystery girl.
welcome to my masquerade
the music kept playing the song, I finally made my way to the pink girl as I tried to make small talk,
" hi"
" I was wondering if after this you can dance with me again?"
I smiled as we ended off the song with a dip
we had talked during that whole song and I thought to be romantic and all, at the end when I had her in my arms I slowly leaned in towards her and she did the same, our lips brushed one another's as she frantically hosted herself up and hit my head,
"I can't do this"
she ran off through the doors before I could even say goodbye, I followed her trail to see that her masque was lying on the ground. I picked it up feeling like a groom abandoned at the alter,
"I will find you My Cinderella"

You're a princess?
WerewolfHi, my name is Clara Grace Jackson, my mom is Queen Jade Jackson and my dad is King Xavier Jackson. My mom is a panther shifter and my dad is a werewolf, so you would think I would be like them, but I'm not. I am something you will never see until...