Finding out why the underworld wants me

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I was walking home from school when all of sudden my necklace started to glow.

This was a sign that a demon was close by. See I'm a witch. My mom comes from a long line of witches. My dad is a warlock and it's the same thing for his family too.

Except Grandma Swan my dad's mom is one of the highest goddess in the magical world. They make the decision and rules. But she also a protector over woodland creatures.

But to get back to task at hand my mom and dad split up when I was little a girl. My dad remarried to Sue she is half witch and Indian. Her and dad had two children together.
Angela and Seth they also have powers. My mom did remarried but it was to a mortal.

Now of course he knows our secret. We are sworn to protect mortals. But we needed to keep our identity a secret.

My mom and grandma sent me to the magical world growing up for training. But for some reason I stopped and I don't remember things. Like there's blank spots in my memory.

But like I said my necklace was glowing so it told me a demon was near by.

I looked around and realized there was to many people walking around.

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, there's too many people I need to get home." But before I could even take off running something grabbed me from behind.

"Gotcha you!" I smirk and closed my eyes and thought of the inside of my house and when I opened them I was at home.

"MOM DEMON!" She came running in and she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw what had a hold of me.

"Bella whatever you do please don't make any sudden moves and don't turn around and whatever you do don't look at him." She told me. Just then Phil walked in the door and the demon let go of me.

I ran over to my mom. "PHIL MOVE NOW!" My mom yelled out.  The demon waved his hand and Phil went flying across the room into the wall. Phil slid down the wall to the floor. "Don't move baby please!" My mom cried out.

"Mom what is that thing? I never felt power like that before." I told her.

"He is a shifter demon he is an upper class demon. They can morph and shift into anything.
There powers can very though."

"I came here for her." He pointed to me. "I DON'T THINK SO!" My mother said. She put both her hands up and he went flying across the room.

Mom grabbed my hand. "Together Bella!" I nodded my head. We put our other hands up but the demon said. "WAIT!" We both looked at him.

"It isn't just going to stop with me you know that! They want her." The demon told us.

"Not on my life they won't. Now Bella." We put our hands up.

We both said the spell together. "Goddess of light gives us the strength to destroy this demon. Goddess of light give us the strength to destroy this demon. Goddess of light give us the strength to destroy this demon."

We had this engry ball of light appear in our hands and we both threw it him.

He let out a shriek of pain before he was ashes on the floor. Mom ran over to Phil.

"I'm alright,but it's time and you know it Renee. You can't protect her like Charlie and his family can. It's time for her to be connected with the rest of the power."

I just stood there and blinked trying to figure out what they were talking about.

"I know it's time." She stood up and walked into the middle of the living room.

A CHARMED LIFE Book One #TheBestBookAwardWhere stories live. Discover now